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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Rattler

  1. Had to Google that one...bloody pommies! Doesn't everyone have one then?
  2. I have a Badger Anthem 150 dual action, with a 3 gallon tank/compressor combo.
  3. Yes, I know that this means that I have 3 planes on the go right now.... The 109G4Trop is giving me paint scheme troubles.
  4. :k9lmao: Very good, Kelly.
  5. We were discussing it while flying Spits vs 109s last night. I was laughing so loud, Natalie came downstairs saying I woke her up! I loved that show...Laugh In too...."verrrrrrry interestingk......"
  6. 1.0 = 1000m, 1 "click" 0.3 = 300m You may only open fire on us if you are at 1.1 or greater.
  7. Ok; how can I cause my CRT to "die" and at the same time convince Natalie that I need a new 22" flat screen??
  8. Found them; 2 hilarious stories...
  9. I think that we've hijacked yet another thread. Sorry, JP: I feel your pain. I will make it my mission to personally take out Mr. Painless/Remorseless/Recognitionless next round.
  10. Chad? Isn't that your neighbor's boy?
  11. What the hell is an L?
  12. A4? What is this A4 nonsense? We have 11" x 8 1/2" paper here in the colonies, not this "A" or "B" silliness!
  13. Here's one from awhile ago... [attachthumb=1]
  14. Rattler

    ATI 3870

    The nice thing about waiting for the game to come out, or at least having the specs released, is that you can then use a 1-generation removed video card to upgrade to.
  15. no problems here, BG.
  16. Rattler

    cool avitar

    Nope, you aren't depraved: I thought so too! :blind:
  17. No. Mick: that's a mitten hanger to dry my kids' mitts after being out in the snow for several hours. I suppose that it could be used for hair care.......hmmmmmm Naw...
  18. Do they at least get the Kubota?
  19. Nice!
  20. Very nice.
  21. Here's one of me in my Christmas present, #13 of the Oilers, Andrew Cogliano [attachthumb=1] And one of the devil cat who keeps messing up my Track IR, "Daisy" [attachthumb=2]
  22. That looks really cool, Chet.
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