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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Psycho

  1. First off, at the risk of being redundant.... GLENN IS THE FREAKIN' MAN... Glenn ROCKS! and Glenn is the ruler of ALL that he surveys!!! I intend to take him out soon and get him quite PLASTERED (as he lives very close to me..) for all of his outstanding work! That being said, I have a solution to the vultching problem...... PSYCHO WILL NO LONGER VULTCH... I have personally apologized to some of the m8's on teamspeak last night... For anyone I have not spoken to yet, I am truly sorry. We are here to have FUN, and I realize that I made it distinctly UN-FUN for lots of people... Not to say that at the time I didn't squeal with GLEE like a deranged, coked out school girl at the bloodbath... (ask my unfortunate m8's on the radio with me) I realize now that it was very very wrong, and unless the mission clearly states that we are to kill people on the ground, I WILL NOT VULTCH... My hope is that my mates will forgive my maniacal, bloodthirsty, flying. sorry guys... You humble resident lunatic. Psycho... HHEHEHEHEH E HEH EHEH EHEHEHEHEHEEHEEHEHHH SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEECH Ooooopp ACKK pffffzt :twisted:
  3. May the son of a bitch ROAST IN HELL FOR ALL ETERNITY!!!! GOD BLESS AMERICA!!! :diabloanifire: And may the members of a thousand camels repeatedly poke him in the arse!!!
  4. Glenn, Your attention to detail ASTOUNDS ME!!! CANT WAIT TIL FRIDAY!!! YOU DA MAN!!! ffffftooooie OOOOoop Ack arrrrrrrr
  5. As we ALL know, by the end 1/3 of the WAR (and even before) the Geneva convention was pretty much thrown out the window... WAR is hell, the trick is to make it more hellacious for the enemy.. I say, HELL YES on vultching!!! and chutes? hell YES shoot the chutes, 1 less Pilot to climb into and airplane! well, that's my opinion, and as you probably know, opinions are like assholes, everybody has one... OOOoop ack pffffftz
  6. Ven dur fuhrer says, "ve is de master race!" ve shoot....BANG......shoot.....BANG.... right in de heathen's face... not to love der fuhrer is a great disgrace, so ve shoot...BANG....shooot....BANG! RIGHT IS YOU ALLIED HEATHEN'S FACE!!! Guten Morgen!!
  7. HOLY SHIT.... you NEED to write for TV Glenn, and NOT for the communist news network either... funny funny stuff... KILL ME!! OOOP Ack
  8. I am flattered to have been elevated to this level of good natured hatred by my M8's, it is the ULTIMATE compliment!! SALUTE Von TONAR!!! and happy hunting... pfffffzt Oooop Ack
  9. YA VOL!!!! MIEN Fuhrer Dave.... zieg...... HEIL!!!! zieg.....HEIL!!!! (goosestepping and arm in the air) For Ze Fazerland!!!!!! heee hehehh e eheh eheheh ehehehe he heh e hehehe h OOoop ACK!
  10. i'm there and will go either side thanks for all of your hard work glenn!!! :twisted:
  11. AWESOME video Glenn, I wish I had brought my camera to the beach! I would have loved to see the birds up close and personal as you did. KILL ME SOON BIOTCH!!! :wink: Jimbo
  12. you poor, poor bastard... dude..... a word of advice.... stick to the friggin fast food.... I love my wife...... but I REALLY miss being a bachelor.... good luck.... you are going to need it.... GODSPEED
  13. Hey Dave, Another great mission.... don't take too much of a break before the next one or I will start frothing at the mouth!!! I do so look forward to these missions... so take a break, but don't leave me waiting too long! Cheers M8!! and thanks for the medal! :diabloanifire: Jim "Psycho" Schilling
  14. Happy Mother's day! ummm wait, we're guys... nevermind ARE WE FLYING TODAY OR WHAT!!! :twisted:
  15. OK M8's, I will bw sending Dave my submission for Mission 4... I used the Spit on LIMITED ammo. Killed all and returned to base in 14 Minutes 25 seconds... I just don't have the patience to use the hurricane, after 25 minutes I wanted to kill myself LOL :twisted:
  16. OOOOOOOOO that's purty!!! very nice! :twisted:
  17. allo m8's!!! forgive my absence last week, I was sunning my fat lazy ass on the beach in the bahamas... Before flying home however, we stopped in southern Florida to visit my wife's uncle's house. Lucky guy lives right on the water in a 2 Million dollar home complete with a 58 ft. searay!!! Damn boat has 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths, Full kitchen, fly bridge will all GLASS INSTRUMENTATION!! Thought I was at the controls of the freaking space shuttle!!! Yes yes yes, the porno business is paying well these days, as it always has... Forgive me now... I have to go shoot myself for working like a dog and not being rich like her uncle...
  18. Just wondering if there was any flying tonight... I might ACTUALLY be able to join! :twisted:
  19. This mission is truly impossible LOL The hurricane simply does not have the stopping power to take down the he-111. the SPIT however fair a bit better... I just don't see finishing this mission with the hurricane... :twisted: any thoughts?
  20. Fantastic mission Dave, Had a great deal of fun flying it. It was a great tool in which to improve my ground pounding (which I was never good at). Hats off to you! Keep 'em comin' !!!!! :twisted: :hello1:
  21. I hope that the 24 transport vehicles were all that was required. If not, let me know. I accomplished the task in 13:15, in a P-47 with rockets, 1 pair per pass (with ranging .50's, of course!) How can I get the .ntrk small enough to post? Mine is over 2.1 MB. I promise that I will post it! great run m8! unfortunately you have to get all 4 fishing boats too... your time is great for 24 trucks though! It's gonna be a Squeeker!! :shock:
  22. Finished mission using rockets against AAA and bombs for main targets... Posted a time of 20 minutes 51 seconds using Lightning w/ 1000 lb bombs... :twisted:
  23. I have uploaded my mission track for mission 3, you can find it in the mission tracks folder on our site. I used the Tempest with rockets. My time as best I can tell is 18 minutes 5 seconds... :twisted: someone let me know if you have a problem replaying the track. S!
  24. I think I have FINALLY DONE IT! I have submitted my mission to mission central... WOOOOO HOOOOOO what a GREAT MISSION!!!! :diabloanifire: :thumbup: :cheers:
  25. AAAAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGG!!!! had all 4 ships dead.... 2 AAA DEAD 2 full convoys DEAD in 11 minutes... HIT THE FREAKING GROUND GOING FOR THE THIRD!!!! :shaking: GOD DAMN IT!!!! LOL OOOooop! AAAck! Pffffzzzt
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