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3. Danger Dogz
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    United States

Everything posted by Psycho

  1. Heeeeeeeeeee's
  2. Psycho

    eye test

    Anybody got anymore of doubletap's eye bleach.... christ!! *dry heave*
  3. Dear gents of the 352, (in professional wrestler voice) YER DAYS ARE ALMOST UP!!!
  4. Psycho

    Hello all.

  5. Psycho

    Hello all.

    BG my friend, You don't know the half of it
  6. Psycho

    Hello all.

    LOLOLOLOLOLOL part of the design... yeah, yeah........
  7. Psycho

    Hello all.

    BG my friend, You don't know the half of it
  8. Psycho

    Hello all.

    OOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooooooo.......... FRESH MEAT!!!! EHEHehheh EHh EHehehheh HEHEHEHEH HHEHEHEHEHEH hehehehe EHhe HEEHh :diablo_ani_fire:
  9. So VERY VERY VERY WRONG on so MANY MANY levels.... I LOVE IT!!!! Brooooohahahahahahahahahahahah
  10. Psycho


    Classic moment #4,537 I forget who it was, but I was flying a bit yesterday on the dogfight map just for shits and giggles using my keyboard (as my new joystick, throttle etc. are in transit from california). anyway, after Glenn torched up my B-25 a bit and after I shot him between the eyes and landed safely
  11. Psycho


    Not to worry gents... My X52 flight pro system, force feedback head set and track IR 4 Pro are ALL on the way... Enemies of the dogs BEWARE!!!! Psycho
  12. Psycho


  13. OMG that was brilliant.....
  14. Ahhhhhhh Mobius my brother.... I feel your pain man.... As you can see, life REALLY sucks here too... Brooooohahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah Psycho LIIIIIIIIIIKE! I shall Return from psycho leave shortly Jim "psycho" Schilling
  15. Carly Simon hot? um.....
  16. awwwww
  17. So...does this mean no more hot chicks?! LOLOLOLOLOLOL
  18. LOL
  19. Good Morning Gentlemen, Many thanks to the Frior for those soooooothing "therapy" sessions from one of his sisters of the priory... didn't know that the sisterhood had a polish branch....hmmm.....oh well... All is well here gents, loading up on lots of testosterone and looking forward to getting the kicked out of me by the dogz en mas....
  20. OK
  21. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Happy FREAKING NEW YEAR GENTS!!!! BRING ON 2007!!!! I for one started my new year in the arms of a gorgeous, blonde, hyper-intelligent, 27 year old polish girl... The wife would be so proud I was getting on with my life BROOOOOHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH PFFFFZZZZZTT
  22. Glenn, I swear if you don't write a freaking novel and become a millionaire, I'm gonna beat the living PISS out of you!!! UNFREAKINGBELIEVABLY HYSTERICAL m8... Honestly man, you missed (or more correctly) "are missing" your calling!!!! I got a really bad sinking feeling when I found out that my Naval commission had been cancelled due to budget cuts... I REALLY WANTED to be a fighter pilot!!! CARPE DIEM you witty bastard!!!!
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