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3. Danger Dogz
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    United States

Everything posted by Psycho

  1. waaaasssaaaaaap dogz!!!!!! yes....your friendly neighborhood nutbag is baaaaaack.... ehehe he ehe heeh ehee VERY rusty... must kill many planes to re-learn the ways of the force! LOL, Great flying with all of you on Sunday, BG Was smiling down on us with pride! 'til next time...wishing copious amounts of arial DEATH! Jim "PSYCHO" Schilling
  2. .................CLEAR!............ THUNK!!!........beeeeep.....beeep.....beep..bip..bip..bip..bip........Broooohahahahahahahaha it LIVES!!!!

  3. [glow=red,2,300]BOO![/glow] *****the sound of faint footsteps trailing off into the distance....... :diablo_ani_fire:
  4. cheers mate! brilliant pics, Flying a small aircraft IS a royal pisser.....
  5. God bless my little XPS Laptop
  6. Congrats MATE!!!
  7. hehehheh hehe he he hehehe hhehe ehhe eheh e Pffffzzzzzzt
  8. It's a kit Plane... I have a catalog with
  9. Sweeeeeeeeeeeet
  10. Looks like the business end of an older CNC Machine before the axis drives became modular..
  11. OMG, too freaking funny..... :k9lmao:
  12. I'll second THAT !!! Na zdrowie POLSKA!!!!
  13. Yeah, c'mon, I'll show you my Polish if you show me your Slovenia!!!!
  14. Lolololololololololol Ehem....... (serious face ) .....disturbing.......
  15. nothing like a polish girl!
  16. Here's a great shot of me getting some sugar.... ....I guess if glenn can't beat the luftwaffe, he can always EAT US ALL!
  17. I just knew that you were looking at my ass too there big boy
  18. LOLOLLOLLOLOLOLOL Awesome Glenn, didn't remember you even making that clip
  19. sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!!! daaaaayum!!! My boy dave opened up a can of whoooop-ass...!! Brilliant mate!
  20. Ding Dong the immigration witch is DEAD!!!!!!! Madzia has been approved for her VISA at the US Embassy this morning at approximately 10:30 am Warsaw time! Woooooooooooooooooooo Hoooooooooooooooooooooo!!! THANK GOD THIS FREAKING HELL IS OVER!!! I'll see you gents soon!!!
  21. well, all i can say is, it's a good thing that she fell in love with me when I was dressed to the teeth with fancy clothes.. ....OMG
  22. WOW!!!!!! Sweeeeeeeeet rig man!!!!!! You have some SERIOUS patience.....
  23. LOLOLOL Love it Love it Love it.....
  24. allo gents, On the eve of my departure to Warsaw, my mother sends me this video!! Not bad!!! http://www.photodex.com/sharing/viewsho ... 4521&alb=0 oh, and BLUE, better order some lugers for when I get back so that we may take ourselves out in the bunker with honor
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