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3. Danger Dogz
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    United States

Everything posted by Psycho

  1. Holy shit I nearly pissed myself on a few of these....
  2. I've seen this whole video before, this was an accident when a child stumbled onto the floor during a dance exibit...
  3. I second the motion...
  4. Huh?... I think its much more complex than just "exploding rage" and "western intolerance". There's so many PSYCHOsocial factors that come into play. NOW WAIT JUST A MINUTE!!!!
  6. Ok it's really scary when you are looking on youtube for video showing aircraft, especially gyroplanes and you find YOURSELF... Completely forgot about the wierd guy at the airport with the video camera... http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=Td55pLDjhSw Wacky!!
  7. Damn speech brought me to tears... Never again will there be a greater generation, never...
  8. most of the time it's not your laptop....
  9. LOL....
  10. Try this untidy gathering of words:
  11. Psycho


  12. KILL HER... that's all you have to do... KILL MARY? she's a risk.....
  13. WOW Dave
  14. My Luck continues!!!!
  15. aloo m8's!!! Check out the July calendar...
  16. Psycho will be attending the party z kochana Madziom (with my sweetheart Madzia)
  17. now that's AN IDEA!!!!
  18. Ooooooooh
  19. Who Knows...
  20. Tell me... How bad is it if I want to have hot monkey sex with a CG woman... ....yeah... that's what I thought Pretty bad huh... guilty as charged
  21. Well....... I got the train schedule from King's cross to Cambridge and then there's a courtesy bus from cabridge station to the airport.... However....
  22. Strange, for some reason I do not NEED my cd in the drive for the game to run. I have NOT installed a crack. bizarre
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