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3. Danger Dogz
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    United States

Everything posted by Psycho

  1. yup! that says it all... PATHETIC, SAD..... but avoiding grief... that is until I'm single, then it's a dedicated room with 15 foot projection screen with custom built cockpit with all the latest controls. to quote an old song by RUSH "...I will choose a path that's real....I'll always choose free will..."
  2. I have been trying the mission at work during lunch using KEYBOARD controls only.... did great but can't control as well as a joysticj obviously.... brought the joystick to work today. you guys are in trouble broooohahahahahahahaha :diabloanifire:
  3. ONE DIVORCE!!!! COMING UP!!!!! :twisted:
  4. wooooo hoooo!!! Thanks guys! The bandits in this one were brutal! what you didn't see is the viens in my head after the 10th attempt to survive past 5 minutes LOL. I had to use my flaps at the end to stay in the air as mentioned. looking forward to the next mission. Any ideas as to what drugs to use to sedate the wife whilst I play the next mission? SALUTE to ALL! OOOopppp!!!1 ACK!!!! pffffftzzz :twisted:
  5. awesome video Glenn!!!!! Great stuff! While I was watching your movie, all I could think about is how much you wanted to see that CNN bomber go down in flames at the hand of fox News LOL. ...as they do in the ratings, night after night after night after night..... LOL Great work my friend!! Jimbo
  6. Glenn!, Please hurry! MUST....HAVE....MOVIE.... ooop MUST.....ack......GET......Pffffzt........FIX....... :twisted: heeeh eeheheheheh hehehehehehe heheheheh Finding out why marriage is a fine institution.....if you like institutions...
  7. I love the chance to improve my flying through these missions m8... since my testicles have been snipped, it's pretty much all I can indulge in.... Please sir, may I have some more? (puppy dog eyes...oliver twist style) :twisted:
  8. Welcome to the Dogz' pound m8! while I'm "resting" on psych-leave I will look toward your involvement in this great group of guys! Cheers from the Psych ward! J.S.
  9. It is with great sadness, anger and disbelief that I announce the apparent, imminent demise of my marriage... For the immediate future, I will no longer be able to fly with all of my new M8's... One of 2 things will happen, we will work out our problems with one final push, OR my efforts to make my marriage work and still keep what little free will and manly self preservation will fail. Either case, I won't be flying for a while... I will still participate in the forums and I look forward to enjoying the K9's through screenshots and tracks posted on the forum. Sometimes a man must stand up for his right to be a man, sometimes at great cost... Salute to you my brothers, wish me Godspeed. I look forward to my eventual return to active duty. Regards, James Schilling
  11. Psycho


    WORD!!!! eee hee hehehehh hehehh e hehehee pfttttzzz
  12. For those who wonder why I call myself Psycho, here is your answer... when enough people expressed to me that I was certifiably INSANE for flying a lawnchair with a rotorblade on top, the name just seemed to POP. The lovely lady in the driver's seat is my beautiful wife Victoria. Here's the wife and I whoooping it up on a boat in the middle of Lake Maggiore in northern Italy
  13. Thanks guys! Sorry I couldn't make it this thursday...In-laws up from Florida.... Trust me, I'm starting to froth at the mouth from withdrawl I NEED MY SPLOSIONS!!!!! FIRE FIRE FIRE FIRE!!! OOooooOOp ACK.. PFFfffftttzzz
  14. OMG!! The movie was SOOOOOOo good it even gave my wife goose-bumps! now if ANYTHING can give my wife that kind of reation being even REMOTELY associated with IL2, It's a FIND!!! Very Very Very cool as P-diddy would say... Peace out nephew! :twisted:
  15. Psycho say......SWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET! HEEE hehehe HEHE hehehe EHEHEHh ehehe EHHE hheheh yeah yeah yeahYEAH me likes it! heheh he he he heeheheh eheheh
  16. Computer: DELL XPS Generation 2 Gamer station Laptop CPU: Pentium M Gothan Processor 2.33 Ghz Memory: 4 GB High Speed DDRAM Sound: Sigma tel onboard sound 4 speaker system Graphics: 256 MB Nvidia Geoforce 7800 GT Extreme 17" Truelife Brightscreen LCD Controls: Saitek Joystick w/handgrip Yaw axis + integrated Throttle 100 GB High Speed Hard Drive For a laptop, this thing Screams... remember this....wherever you may go.......there you are.... who said that?...huh?....who's talking to me?....what is it that you WANT!!!! eheheh heheheeh heheh eheheh ooop ack (drool)
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