Welcome Sir,
Thank you for coming to find the DangerDogz.
We play both IL2 and DCS.
We fly IL2 on Sundays and Tuesdays from around 20:00 UK time. We play a mix of dogfight maps, co-op maps and are currently running a special event with another group taking part. For Comms the group still use Teamspeak.
We fly DCS on Monday and Thursdays from around 20:00 UK time as well. For comms we use Discord.
If you would like to fly DCS with us, please let me know which modules and maps you have.
We are a friendly bunch and make no demands on how much you fly with us, we all have Real Life V1.0 to contend with! We also do not expect you to attend training sessions before you can fly.
We do have another member from Germany that flies with us, his name is @Mosquito or "Mossie"