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Busted Buttkicker


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There was a strange smell and a glow :( When I took the cover off I could see that one of the capacitors (12000uF 50V) had burn marks on it, but no other apparent damage. I can can get a replacement part quite cheap but is it likely that other parts have given up as well. I dont normally do stuff like this. :unsure:

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Hi Nick. Its about 2 years old. Due to the VERY noisey small fans I modded it. I put a large PC case fan with a speed control unit and I am sure that it didnt cause the problem. My opinion of Buttkickers is that its worth paying £50 for one but not the £100+ they are asking. A local electrical repair shop wants £30 to look at it. A capacitor costs about £8 so if the chances are good that there is no other damage I might de-solder the capacitor and pop on a new one or get the repair shop to do it .

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  • 2. Administrators

Yes, I see what you mean. Looks like a blown cap to me.

If you feel up to it, you probably could fix it yourself, depends on how confident u are.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Carfull with that other Cap, It looks nice an big, Could pop you good if you discharge it across your finger :)

Thanks for that, so you guys think that the rest of it should be OK? If there is any risk of pain I might get the electronics guy to do it ;)

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  • 2. Administrators

Tonar's right, that other cap could certainly give you a jolt, so be sure to leave the thing disconnected from the mains for a good while before working on it.

Other than that, the size of the solder pads on the pcb might be an issue if you haven't a small enough soldering iron (and a steady hand)


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Update :( It appears that a resistor melted so I cant see what the value was. I dont suppose that anyone here has a Buttkicker? If so could you photograph the resister that is circled in the bottom photo. If I cant find the reistance value then then I think its dead.

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I contacted the UK distributer he said

Hi Dave,

I doubt it will be cost effective to repair one of the original Gamer amps

so it might be worth looking at getting the BKA-130-C which is the current

digital version used in the Gamer2 package. this costs £140

We do not keep any parts for these, but the resistor value is .22 ohms

although you will probably find that just replacing the visually obvious

failed components won't necessarily fix the amp - could be the old can of

worms I'm afraid.

I can source the capacitor in the UK for £3.85 :) plus £12 postage!

I can also source one from China for £5 inluding postage but they dont give either the temperature it works at or the phyisical dimensions :( I have sent them a message though. One place in Hong Kong has one that is 35mm diameter when I need a 30 mm one. As the caps are vey close together that one is a no go.

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in the company i work we have a good electronic repairman. do not know how big is this thing but if u can get it here somehow i'd gladlly get it fixed for u. other thing i can do is buy that caps for u here. there is a lot of electronic shops around here.

just give me the specs u need and i'll check the prices.

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