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Actually writing an an essay on the euro crisis at the moment. My recommendation is more or less to dragoon the less effective governments in the EU, and the dump Sarkozy on an island somewhere (anyone know of any ships going to Saint Helena?)

The fiscal irresponsibility and almost pathologically endemic reluctance to follow the rules of the EU and good governance in general is the most severe plight of the European Union. For all it's benefits, it would have been better to exclude some member-states due to their egregious incompetence.


The daily mail may be found to be lacking in their analysis from time to time. The fundamental issue is not that off tax evasion (while that is a subject of significant concern) but that of poor fiscal responsibility and excessive demand-side policies leading to a "feel-good" governance merely delaying the inevitable fall. The excessive bureaucracy and extensive corruption among these governments only serves to exacerbate an already precarious situation. I like to point out that Italy has not seen a particularly function goverment since the first triumvirate between 59 and 53 Bc.

  • 1. DDz Quorum

A mystery indeed, logs don't show it as a mod or admin action...

IIRC if you edit your own post it doesn't get logged, but then the same may be the case for admin edits too now, need to go play :D


Actually the link there copied it from the Daily mail (hence my comment on that particular newspaper), it could be something connected to that. Just did a bit of research, and it is indeed a DM article from the 24th of June.

  • 2. Administrators

Dickens got it right...

"Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure nineteen nineteen six, result happiness. Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure twenty pounds ought and six, result misery."


  • Like 1

Dickens got it right...

"Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure nineteen nineteen six, result happiness. Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure twenty pounds ought and six, result misery."


I've always loved that quote.
  • 1. DDz Quorum

OK mystery solved.

I know who edited the posts, the data base records the user and date/time the posts were edited.

Both were edited by a DangerDog who has decided to login anonymously (hidden) and he has not stepped forward to confess.

As a result of this I have removed the moderator rights of the entire group, which is pretty sad after 6 years of trust... oh well..


Not nice

there are some posts and views here , and on other forums,that I have not agreed with in the past but everyone is entitled to their own views , if you don't like it then post a counter or ignore it ,don't go interfering with the others posts


This is not what I was hoping to see when coming back on DD website after being absent for a while..

If I can give my 2c.. I spent years on a South African website and very active... over the years the website went from a great bunch of banter to a lot of back stabbing and general mistrust.. Dont let this happen to the DD!!!!


Both were edited by a DangerDog who has decided to login anonymously (hidden) and he has not stepped forward to confess.

Oh I haven't stepped forward to "confess" yet Rog as I was hoping to have a bit more fun with JP's world view. Sorry to see I've obviously put you to some unwarranted effort over this Rog and you have my sincerest apologies for having done so.

As to removing moderation rights, well I'm not too sure what this means as I'm not aware of any form of moderation here anyway. I was however under the impression that political discussion and boorish political propaganda was rightly verbotten here. I seem to have let myself become impatient with the consistent attacks on my country and continent that JP seems licenced to make. It's true I could reply to them but why should I have to bother? I thought we were here as a group of friends with an interest in PC Flight Sims. I didn't realize that we were the Attila the Hun forums too.


I don't mind at all.

the fact it was replaced with something that was mocking(?) led me to believe someone was goofing. I should have known it was Arthur. He was always defending Greece to me while I was last in Duxford.

"Hey JP", he'd say..."Greek is fun. Want to try?" or "Hey...who doesn't like a little Greek...eh JP...know what I mean, know what I mean?"

Anyway - it was an editorial from a UK paper. Inflamatory yes...but I could never figure out why they let Greece in. Yes, they had fudged their books and all (thanks to help from Goldman Sachs - who, btw, owned half of the last hotel company I worked for) but still...after all those years of high spending, and history of defaults...someone must have said "hey, wft? Greece? Really guys...this must be a typo, right?"

So tempest in a teapot...no harm, no foul. No need to take it seriously. Let's all go back to being the goofballs that we are.

  • 1. DDz Quorum

Yeah, it's all good.

What a mess!

Edited by Sweper, Yesterday, 11:13PM

No it aint.

Edited by WhistlinggDeath, Today, 03:37AM

Message reported to administrator by SkyPup, Today 6:16AM


Yeah, it's all good.

What a mess!

Edited by Sweper, Yesterday, 11:13PM

No it aint.

Edited by WhistlinggDeath, Today, 03:37AM

Message reported to administrator by SkyPup, Today 6:16AM

What!!! :baseballbat:

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