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The Big Fat Aeroplane Video Thread!


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The herkybird sure is a cool aircraft.

You wanna try being a "passenger" in one for a long flight and you might change your mind Jedi! :thumbsd:

I had the (dis)pleasure of riding in a Herc at RAF Lyneham about 12 years ago with the cadets.

We were invited to join the crew as they practiced circuits and bumps around the airbase for around 45mins.

I was the only one not to chunder :icon_puke_r: apart from the crew and our accompanying officer, which to this day i'm immensly proud of! :laughing7: :laughing7:

One of the freakiest things was looking out the side windows to see the wings wave up and down as the aircraft vibrated it's way into the merky Wiltshire sky. As a lad it astonished me how much flex there was! It was rather impressive jumping up into the flightdeck, that seemd to settle any tummy grumbles I had that's for sure.

Fenrir, I believe you had a similar experience, did you not?

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Practically identical mate, down to the being the one of only two passengers not to relive breakfast (damn close run thing tho - i was hanging on the cargo netting feeling most unpleasent by the end!) and even the weather! Wiltshire murk indeed!

Another thing that made me laugh... Keith (Casper) Talbot was also present on this Lyneham camp, and ever the 'heart-throb' he'd set his sights on a particular female cadet from the rival school.

She didn't go much on him yakking into a bag that's for sure! :roflmao:

Also, cracking video Arthur old chap! Oh, I really need to get gliding again! :confused3:

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Interesting... I guess I never really studied the F-35 very much. Was surprised to find that ArmA 2 got it right in the forward hinging canopy. I'd figured no one had done such things since the MiG-21F. Okay.... I wonder why they did that? To protect the pilot in high speed ejection, perhaps?

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