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I remember when IL2 first released. It killed my machine, frame rate was a slide show and many ctd's. Today we all talk about what a great sim and how it has persevered over the years. I believe that we'll see the same thing happen with COD. Down the road we'll be talking about what an amazing game COD is for the next several years. There will certainly be some pains for this game to evolve into the standard that others will be measured against but I think that this will be the outcome. Plus COD is the reason I told my wife that I needed to upgrade my computer so I have to buy it.

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I haven't got a rig capable of running it yet so I'm going to sit tight until I can afford it.

Hopefully by that time this epilepsy issue will have been overcome and i'll also have a better idea what components to buy!

I look forward to hearing all about the game from those Dogz that can run it now.

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I haven't got a rig capable of running it yet so I'm going to sit tight until I can afford it.

Hopefully by that time this epilepsy issue will have been overcome and i'll also have a better idea what components to buy!

I look forward to hearing all about the game from those Dogz that can run it now.

I am in a similar position. I have pre ordered but have a feeling that it wont run very well. Especially with this filter business. I am sure that it will work out in the end but how long will it take? I will install and if it is too bad then it will have to wait until rebuild time before getting stuck in. Anyway we will have the new UP soon so that will keep us busy ^-^

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Exactly Crash, there's plenty of life left in Legacy IL-2 yet! Just looking at SAS and the rest of the Mod community is encouragment enough.

The way I see it, I've waited 5,6,7 however many years since CloD was first announced, another couple of months for me isn't going to matter.

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I don't have a rig really capable of handling ClOD at the moment, but the problems on release actually have me thinking I may buy it earlier than I'd planned to, as a vote of confidence in 1C.

I'm sure that the issues will be addressed, and that with improvements in hardware ClOD will reveal itself to be a worthy successor of the IL2 series.


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  • 1. DDz Quorum

........but the problems on release actually have me thinking I may buy it earlier than I'd planned to, as a vote of confidence in 1C.

I'm sure that the issues will be addressed, and that with improvements in hardware ClOD will reveal itself to be a worthy successor of the IL2 series.


I agree C_G, I preordered and am awaiting

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  • 1. DDz Quorum

Filter Optional?

Sounds like a result :)

Nowhere in Canada to buy the game anyway so I will sit tight for now.

Well as we have done in the past, it is entirely possible for us Euro types to buy on behalf of our NA Continental brethren so they don't have to feel left out.

Sure there will be additional postal cost, but possibly the DRM is such that electronic copies may be possible with just the key being sent?

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It came UPS this morning :) I bought the CE and for those thats interested the ring binder booklet is a printout of the PDF that has been released so you not missing out much. Just need to read it for a couple of months before I rebuild my computer :icon_study: It is nice to have a box with stuff in it though :thumbsu:

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  • 1. DDz Quorum

Steam is downloading my copy, thought it was released tonight but hey ho... missed out on the Silent Hunter offer (like I would have time or inclination).

Interesting to see what sort of a slideshow I get with my paltry 4870 card..

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  • 2. Administrators

got my english version now to.

the more i play, the more i like.

interestingly, my english version runs slightly better than my russian, but this is probably due to the fact that its installed on a very fresh and clean/lean windows install.

even upped the res a bit.

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  • 1. DDz Quorum

You on XP Delta?

Ran mine on medium settings, default, and it seems smooth enough.

Not tried an FPS measure yet, so my old 4870 has a little life left in it yet perhaps.

Going to have a play with it more at the weekend when I have more time and energy to do it justice, working for a living sucks :(

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