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Partial Upgrade


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I have decided to do a partial upgrade in preparation for a full upgrade as soon as BOB is released.

The case I would like to get is the Coolermaster 932 HAF full tower now on sale at Canada Computers for $169. This case is awesome with 4 x 230 mm fans for great air cooling. I saw one today, running and it was almost silent. http://www.canadacomputers.com/product_info.php?cPath=6_111&item_id=025243

A new video card. It will be an ATI 5970, their monster card. I have made an offer of $400 plus one of my ATI X1950 XTX's, to a widow whose husband recently died who had a first class gaming computer. This is for the XHX 5970 retailing for over $710. The card comes with a lifetime guarantee. She has until Friday to decide and if she doesn't want to part with it, I will buy a Sapphire 5970 for $640 + or -.

May also get a Corsair 1000 PSU for $200.

I will then transfer the rest of my current computer over to the new case.

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BG is trying to give here a USED ATI 1950 and $400 to keep her machine running.

So his offer is any where from $410 to $500 offer depending on if she was to use a Used or new 1950 in her late husbands machine.

For a $710 card.

That is if she bites the bait on the hook.

If it was me and Bg's money, and the machine is what he thinks it is.

I'd find out her plans for it, Grandchild pass down, or just a internet browser.

If the latter, I'd offer her BG's old machine, complete with all the files transferred from her late husbands, and then a bit of money to make it square.

Or just offer to buy it out right, and keep his old one for backup or a dedicated server.

I'm sure gec and I could take care of the latter for him.

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Have always been an ATI fanboy Kelly.

I have tried buying the whole computer but she says she needs it for faxing stuff!!! She is short of money and is really betwixt and between about parting with the video card. The husband died suddenly and the police suspect he may have been poisoned. They are doing an autopsy on him. The Bank is refusing to pay off a big mortgage until the autopsy results are known. They only took out mortgage life insurance on him earlier this year when they renewed the mortgage. There is also a big car loan. She tried to sell it to the dealer where he bought it but the dealer says the car is worth much less than the outstanding loan.

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You've got that.... Upgrade Bug.... BG.


It's time Pook. I am scheduled to have my Internet connection upgraded on Monday, BOB is just around the corner and we need more Danger Dogz, and I am sick of Sid and Painless having a better computer than me. I can't imagine what 6GB of ram can do. Sata 3 and USB 3 also look good. I am going to Toronto next Thursday with a pocketful of cash and will publish my specs as soon as I buy.

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I have no idea on who I'd give that gift to anyway.....

You get it for yourself you silly twit.

Or let your family do get it for you,

Just the normal Christmas buying spirit will sell several copies of it strictly out of curiosity, if placed on the shelves properly.

You just between the latest FPS and WOW ;)

Its really a bigger shame it wasn't ready for the BOB anniversary, that would of sold tons of copies, to the curious.

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Nah, went for a trackclip m8 lol.

During our recent refit while we were closed for a fortnight I did turn up in my DDz t-shirt on one occasion...still getting odd looks now...


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