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Arrrrggggggg, Won't Be Flying For A While:(


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  • 2. Administrators

bugger it.

my comp is refusing to boot up, not even getting anywhere, no beeps no nothing.

Still its in warrenty, and will be calling them first thing tomorrow, to pick it up and fix it, but will not be able to fly for the forseeable future :notfair:


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  • 1. DDz Quorum

Ooohhwwww... that's... that's .... carp.... :icon_cry:

Good thing though its still under warranty.... bad thing is its of no use for us to try and diagnose the problem, have you attempt all kinds of things, unplug stuff, change connections, rewire, have it go BOOM! :lolu:

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  • 2. Administrators

don't thinik its not the psu, when i turn it on, all the flashy lights come on, fans spin up etc, but the monitor doesn't pick up that its turned on, so i'm thinking maybe GFX card?

unplugged everything, execpt monitor and keyboard, same, unpulgged absolutly everything, still the same, doesn't even beep at me?

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don't thinik its not the psu, when i turn it on, all the flashy lights come on, fans spin up etc, but the monitor doesn't pick up that its turned on, so i'm thinking maybe GFX card?

unplugged everything, execpt monitor and keyboard, same, unpulgged absolutly everything, still the same, doesn't even beep at me?

Did u chek the monitor cable? if all the lights come on when u start, maybe there's something wrong with that cable. twisted or something.

I had a similar prob, but was the PC power source.

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Silly twit, I got tired of you trying to shoot me down, so I snuck in wile you was away, and turned your screen around backwards.

Kidding aside, that sucks. How old of a machine is it?

Is it a local retailer, or are you going to have ship it off.

Before I would ship it off I'd at least blow out the dirt, and unplug and replug everything back in.

It may be nothing more than a loose connection. The thermal expansion inside after time, can separate a improperly plugged component from the factory.

I had new builds fail in the past, So anymore when I upgrade I keep the old one around as a server for the printer,Teamspeak, Il2 and such.

I had to fallback once in the last ten years to my old machine due to a bad mobo once, on the newest machine.

When it's time to renew again I just rotate them down, and give away the oldest.

Used to work quite well, most folks didn't have a PC or at least anything as advanced as my oldest.

But now days, I suspect due to quad cores, my old one next shuffle will be dead weight for most people interests.

Well good luck and see you on me six soon.

Oh here is a nice link to understanding POST BEEPS


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  • 2. Administrators

tried different monitor etc, and its not even getting to the bios beeps etc

All that happens when i turn it on, no matter how little is plugged in, even nothing, is that the fans all power up as normal, the lights all come on, but it just sits there.

looking at the link toad linked, no beeps does indeed suggest power.

the company i bought it from is these guys, and they've got a pretty good rep,


The comp is 1 and a half years old into a 2 year warrenty (glad i went for that extra year now).

The warrenty is free pick up and return, so thats no hassle from my point of view, and i've made sure that i've not done anything to invalidate it, so all is good from that point of view.

Will be phoning then up first thing tomorrow, now i've loacated all the paperwork.

I'll be back on your six sometime, just a matter of time i guess.:thumbsu:

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If you have a multimeter and a paperclip you can easily check the PSU yourself. The PSU have more than one kind of voltage to supply so even though you have juice supplying your fans from the molex connectors you could still have a faulty 3.3, 5 or 12V rail dedicated to your motherboard or even the SATA power connectors(drives won't start).

If you feel confident about it, unhook the PSU, take it out of the case and short one black(any black) and one solid green wire on the 24pin connector, using a bent-out paperclip(or something similar), that's the power-button signal. Then you can work your way down through the connector using the multimeter and check if you have voltages between any black(they're all ground) and a colored wire. If you have one or some of them not showing 3.3, 5 or 12V, chances are that your PSU is fried.

*edit* Just noticed that you're doing the Warranty-thingy lol.

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  • 2. Administrators

well phoned them up this morning, and they were really helpful, and they're picking it up on tuesday.

so i'll just have to wait after that.

Might see if i can get my old machine running just to pass the time, but i can't be bothered to download UP for it.

least i'll be able to abuse you all on teamspeak then, lol.

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  • 1. DDz Quorum

Reset the CMOS!

One of the first things to try when a system fails to post, Asus boards were good at this, apply power and sweet fanny adams.

Reset CMOS by jumpering it, sometimes took 10+ minutes, then they would spring back into life.

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  • 2. Administrators

hi rog.

Looking in the motherboard manuel, in the jumpers section, i can only see Clear RTC RAM.

it says this clears the CMOS memory of date time and system setup parameters.

Is this the thing to do, or just take out the battery?

By the way, its an asus P6T deluxe board.

cheers kev

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  • 2. Administrators


Its alive

Thanks rog, fired up straight away.

Now that leads to a question, why did it happen in the first place.

I had just installed ntune, could that be the reason?

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Its alive

Thanks rog, fired up straight away.

Now that leads to a question, why did it happen in the first place.

I had just installed ntune, could that be the reason?

Windows Feature?

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  • 2. Administrators

i hadn't tuned anything, just started it for the very first time, after installing lol.

Now for some reason, i can't get my bloody x52 profile to recognise.

Once thats sorted, i'll be ready to fly again....

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  • 1. DDz Quorum

Sometimes it does it because it can..

Could be nTune probed and took out a setting.

Make sure all BIOS settings are as they should be now, X52 could be the change in USB port?

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  • 2. Administrators

all is good in the world again, reinstalled driver and software for the x52, and now it picks up my profile again.

Changed all the bios settings back to how they should be, kinda reluctant to try to run ntune again....


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Nice catch Roger!!!!!

Now FB had you been upfront in the first place, that you had been OCing and tweaking your settings. We all would of told you upfront to rest your CMOS.

It's a lesson any OC learns sooner or later. LOL

Now yo have to sheepishly tell the PC store your maneuver. :thumbsd:

It's also something nearly everybody fails to post upfront too. :roflmao:

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