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Adding To Immersion


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  • 1. DDz Quorum

Hi Guys,

For those of you that might want to add a bit to the feeling of immersion, (and dont know about this little trick) I have found a way to cut down on the messages that are displayed on the right hand side of the screen.

Via the conf.ini you can either turn them on or off. This gives you a few more options..

The file, located in the folder (for me "Ultrapack 2.0" is where my install is) C:\Program Files\Ubisoft\Ultrapack 2.0\Files\i18n\ and is called "hud_log_ru.properies"


2. - Open the file in notepad.

3. - You can now change or remove the text in the right hand column. DO NOT DELETE THE LINE COMPLETELY

I have removed the obvious things like "Engine starting, Canopy open etc. I have also removed Enemy Plane Destroyed, just to make it surprise when I get the scores!

Have a go, see what you think, if all else fails you can go back to the original file....you DID make a backup before trying this..didn't you?.


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  • 1. DDz Quorum

Yeeeah, another convert :shaunhb: !

Since I've been running the instrument gauges and warning lights on another monitor via UDPSpeed I've not been using the messages having switched them off via 'IL2 Stab'. Very immersive, and like you say, not knowing if you hit or downed anything makes for a surprise at the end of the mission.

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  • 6 months later...

Yeeeah, another convert :shaunhb: !

Since I've been running the instrument gauges and warning lights on another monitor via UDPSpeed I've not been using the messages having switched them off via 'IL2 Stab'. Very immersive, and like you say, not knowing if you hit or downed anything makes for a surprise at the end of the mission.

I am planning to get a cheap laptop for this and other stuff. Do you run it with Sans FOV?

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Nice find Friar!

At first I just assumed this was just about the flag in the conf.ini. But this is much better..

To start off, I am changing these Friendly killed messages so I feel better:

FriendAircraftDestroyed        Enemy Ace: Obliterated by your Superior Skills!
FriendStaticAircraftDestroyed  Enemy Ground Aircraft shot to bits!
FriendTankDestroyed            Killed another Can
FriendCarDestroyed             Wasted more bullets?
FriendArtilleryDestroyed       Your bravery knows no bounds!
FriendAAADestroyed             Guts like yours are unknown to mortal man.
FriendBridgeDestroyed          Enemy Bridge: Weee!
FriendWagonDestroyed           Enemy Train turned to trash
FriendShipDestroyed            Enemy Ship go Boom!

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  • 1. DDz Quorum

Nice find Friar!

At first I just assumed this was just about the flag in the conf.ini. But this is much better..

To start off, I am changing these Friendly killed messages so I feel better:

FriendAircraftDestroyed        Enemy Ace: Obliterated by your Superior Skills!
FriendStaticAircraftDestroyed  Enemy Ground Aircraft shot to bits!
FriendTankDestroyed            Killed another Can
FriendCarDestroyed             Wasted more bullets?
FriendArtilleryDestroyed       Your bravery knows no bounds!
FriendAAADestroyed             Guts like yours are unknown to mortal man.
FriendBridgeDestroyed          Enemy Bridge: Weee!
FriendWagonDestroyed           Enemy Train turned to trash
FriendShipDestroyed            Enemy Ship go Boom!

Lol, it's good fun altering it and putting stuff like what you have Snacko....

PlayerWounded Ouch! Not good...

PlayerWounded2 Bugger! This really hurts...

Player_Killed Aaaargh.....

FailedFlaps Bugger! Jammed flaps!

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  • 1. DDz Quorum

Cool! Gotta add one for Friar...

FriendJU52Destroyed    	You nailed that Spit from 900m away REAL good there Ace!

Don't know why the colours change?

Because the 'code' tag attempts to syntax colour text, in the forlorn belief that the poster will only use it to present php and/or other geeky code nuggets ;)

I sometimes wonder if it my eyes playing tricks on me too startle.gif

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Nice find Friar!

At first I just assumed this was just about the flag in the conf.ini. But this is much better..

To start off, I am changing these Friendly killed messages so I feel better:

FriendAircraftDestroyed        Enemy Ace: Obliterated by your Superior Skills!
FriendStaticAircraftDestroyed  Enemy Ground Aircraft shot to bits!
FriendTankDestroyed            Killed another Can
FriendCarDestroyed             Wasted more bullets?
FriendArtilleryDestroyed       Your bravery knows no bounds!
FriendAAADestroyed             Guts like yours are unknown to mortal man.
FriendBridgeDestroyed          Enemy Bridge: Weee!
FriendWagonDestroyed           Enemy Train turned to trash
FriendShipDestroyed            Enemy Ship go Boom!

Hehe! :roflmao:

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