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Introducing myself...new HH member


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  • 1. DDz Quorum

If you are JP from Canada then yes I flew with you once a few weeks ago, ~S~!

JP usually leaves an impression.....was it a good one...?? That'll make a change!

Welcome m8. Enjoy your time here.



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~S~ BSword,

I do recognise your nick from the UBI Forums. Welcome to the kennel.

If you check out this thread, it has our flying schedule, Teamspeak details etc.



Unfortunately when I click on that I get "The topic or board you are looking for appears to be either missing or off limits to you," not sure what I need to do.

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He hasn't flown recently but he sometimes joins our TS server to shoot the breeze when Beebop is hosting the Saturday night co-ops.

If anyone feels like joining us we could use some more fliers, in the last few weeks it's just been me and Beebop and sometimes BadAim and one or two others.

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