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Replacing graphics card


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  • 1. DDz Quorum

Had an issue yesterday where the computer booted but didn't show anything on the monitor. It beeped a few times before settling down and after a few minutes I got very choppy and crappy graphics at a resolution that definately was not mine. I assumed it was the Nvidia 8800GTX graphics card that I had installed in the build nearly 2 years ago.

I did a swap with the reconditioned 8800GTX I bought a few months back and it booted up fine although the system is slower in boot up by about 10 seconds. I'm glad I got the spare when I did and I can live with the extra boot up time.

All considered it was a smooth rescue but took me out of Pedestal

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  • 2. Administrators

Ouch, not fun m8, but it sounds like your supplier is doing the biz for you. Try completely uninstalling the gfx drivers and then reinstalling to see if that improves your boot time. No guarantees, but it might help.


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  • 1. DDz Quorum

No can do......

Won't boot up at all now. Goes through the bios screens etc. then I get a very quick blue screen with words on (too quick to see) before it goes into reboot. I did the F8 and have got into the boot sequence and got it to boot from the XP disc and have tried both repair and reinstallation. Last time I tried it didn't recognise the hard drive and when I press enter to get the repair to go on all I get is the black flickery screen with the flashing cursor up in top left hand corner....

Duff hard drive?

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if u have no vga u would not see the bios in the first place.

idea with linux live cd is very good. even better if u can find "Ultimate boot cd". it is a windows xp system that runs entirely from cd. i have one but mus find a way to upload it somewhere somehow.

boot in one of those two cd-s and check everything UBCD even have tools like antivirus, hdd checking tools, memory checking tools, backup and so on.

problem is that there is a lot of UBCD distributions but not all are good. i'll try to find good dl link or upload mine.

but generally linux live cd is a good start. at least to check the vga. u can try this one:


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