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Bloody pc


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It was a SAPPHIRE X1950 PRO 512MB AGP, im wondering if there is a warranty on it as its only 6 months old.

Funny thing is that nick convinced me to get the same card from the same shop.

Looks like he'll be getting a credit note as I'm sure I had the last one!

Still He can upgrade to the triple SLI'ed 9800GTs

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Don't think so JP. I think it is one year.

That depends on where Nick bought it from - some places only offer 6 months on after-market components - of course if it was factory fit then a year would be about right.

t'other Nick

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I reckon its covered by the UK 'Sale of Goods Act' GMan.

"Key Facts:

• Wherever goods are bought they must "conform to contract". This means they must be as described, fit for purpose and of satisfactory quality (i.e. not inherently faulty at the time of sale).


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he can get htis one mate without upgrading his board

http://www.novatech.co.uk/novatech/spec ... SAP-38505A

its later generation to the 1950 and is comparable

Thanks for the info

I'll be driving Gman to the warehouse today. (he needs a chauffeur as his old bones have been damaged playing airsoft)

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