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Want to Fly

Capt. Crunch

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Hi all,

I'm new here, and new to IL-2 as well, but am learning.

I was invited here by blairgowrie on the chance of joining a squadron, but like the day I installed IL-2 for the first time about a week ago, the same goes here as what to do next, any help would be appreciated.

I have not played online yet in any fashion, and still have alot to learn with regard to flying skills, the game in general, and online play.

Cheers Lt. Crash AKA; Sub_Boy (as known on the UBI forums) :)

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Hi Lt. Crash!

Welcome to the best squadron. If you want to train with us, no problem. Just show up at our regular flying time. There will be always somebody willing to help you.

If you want a quick organized course, try at joint-ops virtual flight school as Mr. Klinger suggested. Many of our pilots went through that school.

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Hi Crash. Welcome to our alternate universe.

FIRST.....go find a soap on a rope and keep it with you.........that way you will never have to pick it up if you drop it in the squadron shower. Long story....just take my word for it.

SECOND....go back through the general discussion forum and check up on the assorted issues of Combat comix.......you will see the actual combat photos from our recent SEOW, and will get an idea of the type of military......"discipline" we have around here.

THIRD.....don't be hesitant to ask questions and jump in the middle of stuff. THere are a few outfits out there that put emphasis on the amount of starch in your uniform shirt, but around here, we put more emphasis on having a great time and learning stuff that's fun. We do get a bit serious when we are in a SEOW with each other, and a bit more serious when we get into ti with another outfit, but we still have fun.

FOURTH......anyone and everyone messes up on a fairly regular basis.....though some of us do it more than ohters (I crashed on take off two misns in a row in the SEOW and nearly jumped off a virtual bridge at that point). This is a game and we do it for fun. Nobody is going to invade our country if we don't defeat their air force. THis isn't the Battle of Britain, but we do simulate it. HAVE FUN.

FIFTH.....the secret to getting alot more power out of your plane is to hit "cntrl E".

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