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4.09... Mods... and Switchers?


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Since you're new, Snacko, I'll enlighten you to the Dogz' position (if I may so humby do so....) rather than skip around the issue as the previous two posters have so bligthly ignored you...

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Yeah, I was wondering about being able to switch between three variations (08, 09, 09 w mods) but I think Im keeping my main install away from the mods for now. I am thinking of making a separate install for the mods, as there is a switch file for it at the 352 site as well, but it does take up alot of room on the hard drive. I THINK that is the only safe way for now until some genius (like Quazi or one of the other walking star fleet computers) comes up with a way

to safely switch around.

As for our "uncertain" members who find this reminiscent of not knowing what outfit to wear on a date...........(that'll make em wonder heh heh).......they are just......confused.

There's a reason for concern about the treatment of sheep around here.

Not all of us are as stable as I am........... :knight:

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Guest DD_Merdog

~S~ All

I use the switcher and the mods although there are some modeling in planes that I dont think are mathmaticly possible it is an awesome thing 4.09 is a great Idea that adds more realizism to the flight sim and I am computer stupid and I can make it work! I think these "mods" are just making the game better and more realistic and thats what sims are all about! Putting you in an enviroment that makes you belive you are THERE! hope I havent offended Anyone ~S~ Merdog

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according to this thread

http://www.battle-fields.com/commscentr ... 99&page=13

the haxxorz have a working 3d compiler to get new planes into the game and are working on this - the same thread shows a BOB map that cannonUK is working on - so how is Oleg going to punt a new game when they are releasing new planes like MK1 spits and a BOB map to fly it on ?

also who sets the parameters for the new planes and finally if they can introduce these then Im sorry but as sure as night follows day then some

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But doesn't that work look freaking awesome? WOW!

We'll see where this takes us I guess - someone has to have the time to deal with testing all of the FM's of newly made planes and puting them into a mod-pack....

For now, the vanilla IL2 1946 is just fine for me....I still love flying on the full real servers.......

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Guest DD_Merdog

~S~ All

The only thing is that Bob doesnt seem to be coming around. And when it does ti will be very limited due to the fact of so much into the grafics and modeling it will be just like GT5 for PS3 it has only a few cars but they are modeled CORRECTLY! and the other thing I worry about is system requirements! it will take a BA computer to run it which I am trying to get but its pricey!

At the same time people have gotten tired of waiting for the game that has been touted as "next year" for three years in a row! for now the modds are fun to play by themselves and I have no problem with switching to 4.08 to go online to have fun with it. Merdog

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Right. Who's going to control that function? There's no way you should be able to mav around like that in a cockpit, and the reflector sight is still visible with your head stuck against the glass?

I don't like that....I just want to be able to lean a LITTLE to see around the armour on the Tempest, and sit up a BIT in the FW 190 to see the sight better, not that nonsense!

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