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Lossless scaling.....

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Hello lovely people, hope you're all well as can be expected and enjoying, er...dogging...er, as usual.:huh:

Anyway, I thought I'd tell you about this;


Now I don't actually use this myself at the moment. I'm still very much enamoured by MSFS2020 and all that limp-wristed civil aviation stuff. However, I do use frame generation, it's a selectable graphics option within the sim.  This basically doubles my frame rates and it's just....astonishing.  I still use my potato computer with it's ancient CPU and a not-so-state-of-the-art RTX2070 graphics card.


Now to use frame generation in MSFS you need an Nvidia 40 series card. As you can see, I don't have one of these so I use a mod that fools MSFS into thinking I do have one.  I normally consider all this sort of stuff as a pitch by a snake-oil salesman and ignore it but this works really, really well. You really do go from thirty frames per second to sixty.

So; the link to Steam that I've posted above about lossless scaling is another way of doubling frames. it has certain limits such as only working in windowed mode but it's very much worth reading up about to make sure anyone who wants to use it fully understands what it does. Unlike the mod I use - this thing works with ALL graphics cards and in DX11 or 12 and Vulcan, etc.  So I thought, if you're struggling with an older graphics card in the monster that is DCS and were willing to punt a few of our great British pounds, this then might be worth a try.

Here's a link to it on Avsim too so you can see what the punters there are making of it....


In the meantime, here at chez Arthur all these exciting looking boxes turned up today.....:rocker:


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1 hour ago, Crash said:

When is the other exciting box arriving?

That’s a good question. Since I’m actually buying new stuff as opposed to evil baying my hardware, I’m leaning heavily towards an RTX4070ti Super.

From the price/specs it looks like the best bang for buck to go for at the moment. It’s also got the longest name of any graphics card out there so it must be good.🤩

However, at some point soon Nvidia are going to release their 50xx series cards….

My present system - old faithful - is starting to show signs of distress so I need to get something up and running in case it goes ‘phut’ and I lose a lot of stuff I wanna keep.

 Decisions, decisions….but at the moment the 4070 is in pole position.

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It might be worth looking at "pre loved" cards from CEX as you get a 2 year gaurentee. I might go down that route next year, trading the 3090 ,as apparently its working fine, for a 4090. As I suspect my issue is PSU related I will probably get one that supports the 40 series. Still using VR?

PS if your old puter does die, put the drives in your new case and you wont loose amything. My old system drive is now my download drive and it works well.

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Ahhh…didn’t know that. A decent guarantee is part of the attraction of a new card. Might have to think hard(er) about this. 

At the moment I’ve got a curved 32” g-sync screen running at 1440p. I’m quite happy with it but MSFS is such a visual feast I might go for something ludicrous later on. Space is not a problem.

I’m not using VR in MSFS, it just doesn’t float my boat. There’s too much scenery to look out at and civil flight decks are simply too roomy for my taste in VR….and it’s a bit under developed in MSFS in my opinion.

However, for military sims I still think VR is a must. Small, cramped cockpits, formation flying, gunnery, etc. as you know, all these things are astonishing in VR. I’ve seen a couple of vids of people flying the DCS Phantom with the crystal Pimax…..😲.

I’m willing to wait on developments - both hardware and new sims - though. One things for sure, I’m not strapping anymore scuba diving gear on me head. I’ve been watching Bigscreen Beyond development with some interest….

Oh yeah, none of these frame generation options work in VR.



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  • 1. DDz Quorum

Could we tempt you into DCS Arthur? There is a very nice free Hercules mod (official version is on the road map). You can load and deliver cargo to impact an airfields viability?

Or is helicopters you could go Blackhawk, another very good free mod?

Anyway nice to see you still around the forums 



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If you do go for a new card Gigabyte has a good returns set up at Milton Keynes, with some other brands you might have to return it to the far east. The Aurus vesion gives 4 years warrenty but are the more expensive varients.

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5 hours ago, Crash said:

If you do go for a new card Gigabyte has a good returns set up at Milton Keynes, with some other brands you might have to return it to the far east. The Aurus vesion gives 4 years warrenty but are the more expensive varients.

Cheers Crash, that’s the sort of thing that will have a big influence on what and where I buy.

@Colin👋.  Although I haven’t got it installed at the moment I do have quite a few DCS modules….unfortunately many of them seem to be made by Razbam🥲

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