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RAF 73 sqd campaign - Announcements


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  • 3 weeks later...

2nd June 1940


Despite our gallant efforts, including making the enemy air force scared to tackle us, the enemy ground troops have broken through on all fronts, France and Belgium have fallen.

Our troops have set up a rear-guard at Dunkirk. There is a massive evacuation operation underway, to get as many of our chaps home as is possible. A flotilla of small boats escorted by the Royal Navy are heading across the channel as we speak.

The enemy having paused are now moving artillery and transports forward to try to catch us on the beaches.


Our tasks are twofold.


First the hurricanes must stop the enemy dive-bombers from harassing the shipping used for the evacuation

Secondly the battles will try to take out the enemy guns (kp 0521) and transports (KP 0630 and 0631) We have also abandoned a lot of equipment at the port in KP 0529 and don’t want this to fall into enemy hands.

Other targets on the map are secondary.


Good Luck


The next mission is planned for 21:00 hrs on Sunday the 23rd



Air start in 0228

Land in England or neutral airfield at Dunkirk

First flight 0.303 only

Next flights 2* 20mm ShVAK (option 18) is permitted


Enemy planes are at 7000ft attacking shipping mid channel. Patrol Sector A

Do not attack from the rear as they have heavy defence and escort


Battles (il2)


Air start 0229

 Land in England or neutral airfield at Dunkirk

Bombs and cannon only no rockets

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sorry Delta, cant make this as I am off on holidays and when I get back I will have to wait for my card to come back from Gigabyte and for a new PSU.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Congratulations 73rd

Due to your sterling efforts we have managed to evacuate the bulk of the BEF back home.

You will be relocated to air bases in England as we prepare for an invasion attempt by the enemy.



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For the next mission we will have option of altitude bombing in A 20

If you have not done this then here are some tips


Hardest part is inputting the wind angle so see here

Wind Angle Calculations

The calculation for setting the instrument is this:





 A. For results from 0 to 180 we set the number as is to the right side of instrument.

 B. For results from 0 to -180 we set the number as is to the left side of instrument.

 (RIGHT SIDE: from 0 to 180 clockwise // LEFT SIDE: from 0 to 180 anti-clockwise)

 1.For results greater than 180 we DEDUCT from the result 360 and set according to A or B.

 2.For results greater than -180 we ADD to the result 360 and set according to A or B.



 Wind course 130, Plane course 80:
 130-80=50 , Set 50 deg on right side.


 Wind course 60, Plane course 130:
 60-130= -70 , Set 70 deg on left side.


 Wind course 290, Plane course 40:
 290-40=250 // 250-360= -110, Set 110 deg on left side.


 Wind course 20, Plane course 260:
 20-260= -240 // -240+360=120, Set 120 deg on right side.

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The battle of France is over and the battle of Britain is about to commence.


The enemy are preparing an invasion fleet to cross the channel.


The RAF is targeted to destroy the ports, train depots and invasion craft.


Primary target is the train depot at Cherbourg shown on map below

We will altitude bomb at 3000m. We will be flying the A20 as substitute for Wellington. I can be master bomber so other bombers just have to formate on myself and drop on my command.


If you wish to use bombsight then the following parameters apply


Height 3000m

Speed 350-400kmph

Heading 225

Wind 4ms at 272

Wind correction 48 right.


We will have an escort of hurricanes.


The secondary targets are the boats and train station at Le Havre shown below

This will be a low level run along the line of the barges

We will start in the air at correct heading for primary target

There are no close airfields so option is to return to England or ditch once over the lines


A20 will take 16 100lb bombs full fuel

Hurricanes 0.303 only for first flight then 2 20mm shvak if you wish







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If you wish to join me altitude bombing then please have keys bound for bombing

the minimum you will need is 

Level flight

bomb bay doors open

drop bombs

you may also wish to set bomb fuse and set number of bombs dropped at a time




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  • 3 weeks later...


We have successfully disrupted the enemy's invasion plans, however he is building an air fleet to target our Island.

Early indications are that his primary targets are airfields near the south coast.

You have been scrambled to intercept one such raid, planes will show up on radar.

The observation corp have seen other planes forming up across the channel in grid 1220. 

Once the initial raid is destroyed we will target this group

If we have the resources then intel has spotted barges in Dieppe and Calaise , we will arm your fighters with bombs to see what we can destroy here.



We will be flying hurricanes. There are airstart available. First flight 0.303 ammo , thereafter free to take 2*20mm

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  • 2 weeks later...


We would like to congratulate you all on a heroic performance in stemming the bombers attacking our airfields.

The enemy have resorted to targeting our civilian population, Last night bombs fell on London and the prime minister Mr Winston Churchill has ordered us to reply in kind.

 We will be attacking Dusseldorf , a vital communications hub. We will be flying through the night  and arriving at dawn to give the bombers the best chance of hitting target and returning.
There will be secondary targets at munchen gladbach.

Lead squad will fly wellington( A20 s) and covered by hurricanes


This is an airstart mission. I will be lead bomber so others just need to formate on myself and bomb if they wish. Pathfinders have lit up area with incenduaries  so targets are easy to spot.

The area is heavily defended and german radar will have alerted fighters so hurricanes are to escort the bombers

Hurricanes to take 0.303s first mission then 2*20mm after that.

If time permits there are barracks at Munchen GLadbach to destroy.


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November 1940

While the air battles over Britain have turned into night raids by enemy bombers, the situation in the middle east is perilous. Italy has entered the war and is seeking to expand across North Africa. We cannot afford a large reinforcement at this moment but 73 squadron will embark on HMAC Furious and, as it is too dangerous to use the Mediteranian, will sail south for Takoradi on the west coast of Africa.

From there it will follow the old Imperial Airways staging posts across Africa until it arrives in Cairo

Our initial task is to defend Cairo , a vital staging post for General Wavells planned offensive,

We will have the use of our hurricanes and some P-40s from the Desert Air Force.

You will require to download and use the desert war mod here

 the desertr war mod here
It is a large mod so make sure that you give it time to load on the night.
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We are tasked with defending Cairo ( Stalingrad on map) Take off and intercept italian bombers. There will be an escort.

There will be further waves over basergino airfield.


Due to game mechanics do not patrol west of Basergino airfiels 1123 on map

Do not use airstart in 1123 , it was only to test game.

Usual time tomorrow evening



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