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DCS Open Beta and Stable Release Divergence


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  • 1. DDz Quorum

Hey all,

Just to remind you that up until a few minutes ago the DCS Stable Release version and the Open Beta versions were the exact same build number, so you could join an Open Beta server with a Stable Release client or vice versa.

Because the Open Beta has been updated this will now change; those of you flying Stable will no longer be able to join the Open Beta server.

This is a temporary arrangement, at some point the builds will converge again.

Can I ask that those of you with both versions show those on Stable only some consideration and maybe put down your new shiny things for a mo and join them flying on Stable for assistance and company?

Alternatively there are routes to convert your Stable build into the Open beta should you wish. Please just ask.


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  • 2. Administrators
6 minutes ago, Crash said:

How big is the beta?

Same as the stable give or take a few megs here or there if you install all your modules.

Although to save space with my stable, I don't bother installing any of the other maps I've bought, as only need the caucuses to fly on the server. Maps take a lot of room.

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  • 1. DDz Quorum

Get this utility @Crash It was a breeze.

All you do is install it to a new folder NOT the same one as your game.

Point it at the game folder and the saved games folder.

Click on Advanced options and select update to latest Open Beta version.

Robert is now your fathers brother...

You might also find its other features worthwhile as it can start up VR and stuff as well for you.



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