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NEW DISCORD SERVER DETAILS - SIGN UP NOW - Dogz Members Only Private Thread ×


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Hello Dangerdogz.  My name is Bishop and I come on behalf of the 191st Spartans.  We are a North American 1946 squad and we're looking for a small dust up with another friendly squad.  We are 5 strong and would prefer, if possible, to keep the tangle somewhere in the 4v4 or 5v5 range. 


Time and day is negotiable.

We fly 4.12.2 stock but are willing to play HSFX if you guys prefer.


If you'd be up for a friendly rumble and want to discuss the details, post below, PM me or visit our site and post. 


Spartans: http://spartans191.guildlaunch.com


Thanks for your time, guys. 


I hope to hear from you.

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  • 1. DDz Quorum

Hi Bishop, nice to hear from you :) Great offer, and it's the sort of thing we like. I imagine there will be interest and enough Dogz straining at their leashes wanting to get involved....me for one.





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  • 1. DDz Quorum

Thanks for the invite Bishop sir. We fly HSFX 7.03 expert normally so if that is OK with you guys...

I am up for that Sid .

So far we have Sid, Pain, Fen, Swoop, plus one more lucky contestant to come on down .........

What sort of "dust up" did you have in mind Bishop ? Perhaps a set of coops running one after the other ?

We could rotate more than five chaps that way .

Maybe separate TS during the mission then all together for some spirited banta before the next mission ?

Let us know what you would prefere .


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  • 2. Administrators

~S~ Bishop sir. Although I'm unable to commit to this event until the date and time has been firmed up, I would also like to welcome you and your comrades to our little corner of the web.


Incidentally, if any of your guys fly CloD, DCS or RoF then there are groups of us flying those sims as well and pilots from other squads are welcome to attend those events - keep an eye on the site as organised nights are (usually) posted.



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I can't quote and reply each response so let me blanket reply.  Thank you for the invites to your site, as well as the other games and thank you for the quick and lively responses. 


As far as the mission type, we can definitely rotate, but a favorite of ours is Base Raid.  To explain as simply as possible, it's a war of attrition on a dogfight map with 2 bases; an assortment of planes including bombers and a few AI Defenses.  Each base has a limited amount of planes, which are parked on the runway for the whole world to see (and destroy).  Both sides attack each other and each others bases until one of the teams no longer has spawnable planes.  It takes some teamwork to balance offense and defense as well as escorting your own bombers in.  It's a lot of fun and easier to understand once you see it.


We can also do co-op missions with some red vs blue action if you'd like.  we use Mumble for voice comms so we can meet up between missions on say your TS, and then we'll disappear on to our servers, OR we have separate channels on our Mumble servers if you guys want to DL Mumble.  It's free, it's amazing and it's easy (we gave up TS for it long ago,  I recommend you guys check it out)


Mumble: www.mumble.com


Anyways, it sounds like your only issue is going to be picking your pilots. I'm excited to go back and spread the word that we found a group to kick our tales in.

Who can I speak to directly via email about setting this up?

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  • 2. Administrators

Who can I speak to directly via email about setting this up?


That kinda suggests we have people in charge of stuff - which is, basically, lol. Just post here and we'll find someone to head this up. Sid perhaps?


You can also send PMs via the forum here if you prefer.


Could I also suggest that we take a look at Mumble instead of TS? Might help reduce our hosting bill.

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  • 1. DDz Quorum

Thanks Bishop, I'm sure our technical department will take a look at Mumbling (FT, Rog, Nick) ; ) What do you guys think about trying "Base Raid" on a Sunday evening sometime soon ?

If we do that then perhaps Bishop's guys might join us for a few coops in our usual Tuesday/ Thursday IL2 sessions if the time is suitable for them, 8 pm BST (7 pm GMT ) at the moment btw Bishop.


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  • 1. DDz Quorum

Perhaps you guys would like to join us on Sunday evening (we use Teamspeak) for an opening dogfight map which we use to get everyone togther (it is useuall kill or be killed, and not always the other side!), then we move to move structured (cough!) co-ops run from our vast catagogue. These we can either fly all the same side against ai or people pick to fly either blue or red. We also have the option of spliting comms channel to "spice it up a bit".

The whole night on a Sunday is built around having a good time.


We sometimes run long missions put togther by our Lead Mission Builder FoolThrottle (FT) or myself. Although sadly due to my work with the Prior of St Oleg, these have been few and far between lately.

These often invole a closer element of team work and concentration.


I am sure I can speak for the rst of the group in saying we hope this to be fruitful hook up for both sides.





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The last time I had a 'fruitful hook up' Col, I was in need of counselling! But that's by the by and she is history… (I must clean my shovel)

Anyway, welcome gentleman! I fully support Friar's sentiments and suggestions. ;)

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  • 2. Administrators

Not sure Mumble will be right for us - looks like it will cost around $450 per year to give us a similar system to what we already use - not sure what we're paying at the moment though.

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  • 1. DDz Quorum

There may be a suitable mission for us tonight.

Could be run as a long DF mission, but it is ready for both Blue ánd Red.


One thing on the downside: it's not really been tested completely, and it's a night mission.... RAF Attack, Luftwaffe defends.


Oh well, we'll see... 


It is DF setup, so at the start of the mission, Reds should only select the proper Red base, and Blue the blue bases... meaning... spying is possible, I have no ways of preventing that... 

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We would be honored to join you in the near future for some of your weekday flight nights, and I appreciate the offer. On Monday and Thursday nights we run/compete in a league.  This week brings the end of our current league though, which will free us up for a bit (until the next one begins) during the week.  


If it works for you guys, lets plan for a base raid next Sunday (5/31).  That will give us a chance to get HSFX installed and working and a chance for you guys to work out who among you will get all the glory of defeating us at our own game.


We play EST time (-4 GMT) normally, so later for you is better for us.  We're open to compromise though, always. Decide what time works for you, and let me know.


Thanks again

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  • 1. DDz Quorum

Count me in for Sunday 31st : )

Bishop, would you mind if we were defeated first, it's what we are used to and I fear that winning would be too much of a shock ! LOL


PS I will be hosting coops on Tuesday ( 26th) at 7pm GMT , you and your boys are welcome to join us if you can .

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  • 1. DDz Quorum

Not sure Mumble will be right for us - looks like it will cost around $450 per year to give us a similar system to what we already use - not sure what we're paying at the moment though.

TS is free, we have a clan license, and from a resource point Mumble would use no less than TS.

Mumble is open source, so would be free for us to host.


We can host Mumble as well as TS at the same time ;)

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