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Selling My Bos Account

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Here you go Bongo; hope this helps sell it for you :salute:


If you have a system that will run it - which means quad core and fairly recent graphics card - then game looks fantastic and runs very well.


Personally, I think it recreates the illusion of flight on a home pc better than anything out there.  The problem at the moment is thats about all it's got going for it.


If Bongo is willing to sell at a mutually agreeable price then I'd get it and then enjoy it for what it is at the moment, marvel at some of the simply bizarre decisions the devs have taken and then sit it out and wait...................................hopefully :rolleyes:

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I think it looks great Arthur, the feeling of flight is smoke and mirrors in my opinion though so as you say an illusion, for me it is the least realistic of any but slightly better than Legacy IL2, runs great on my machine, I upgraded recently with i7, GTX970, CloD and DCS run amazingly well too.

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I too am distinctly underwhelmed by the game, and whole heartedly regret buying it.


I generally think, as a game its a PoS, as are the developers.


Only thing that its got going for it is to watch Bearcat have another breakdown moderating the Bos forums.

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