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  • 1. DDz Quorum

One word of advice for takeoff. Elevator nose heavy trim. And plenty of forward stick. Learnt - hard way. 


She's a beastie. And nimble as ninja. The AI certainly gave me the right old run around as I went up against a 'Good' opponent offline in the Pony. 51s don't dogfight, I have discovered!

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Just checked it out in the oculus, my spine literally tingled and my nipples went stiff.....too much information I know but I'm not even joking, I started from cold, flew a beat up of the field and came in for a god awful landing which I aborted and tried again, got down and went all over the place, apart from scraped wing tips I got away with it.

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  • 1. DDz Quorum

.... came in for a god awful landing which I aborted and tried again, got down and went all over the place, apart from scraped wing tips I got away with it.


Sounds awfully familiar. Methinks the DangerDogz Quartermaster's going to need a healthy stock of 109 wing tips at this rate!

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