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hi fellow flight sim fans 


my name is kev and i am 30 from the uk i am looking to team up and fly with people in cliffs and in bos but i am afraid to say but i suck is there any training on offer that i can join in on


and can someone please tell me how to patch cliffs to 4.312 


and a big hi to everyone and i hope everyones having a good day  :thumbsu:

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I see you made it over here then :) We fly Clod on a Wednesday evening and we have our own server. When your membership is accepted you will be given a link to our Teamspeak server. Fenrir and Eshark will probably be able to help get you up to speed with Clod. Have you got 1946?

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  • 1. DDz Quorum

Welcome to the pound Horus.

We fly Clod on a Wednesday at the moment but it is gaining members who are up to speed with it.

If you are interested in IL2 1946 we fly the HSFX version on Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday  through our own server or members hosting and Saturday via hyperlobby

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hi every one i just got 1946 on steam 7 pounds cant go wrong at that price so i hope to be flying well i think i need some training before i can call it flying il2 is like nothing i have played before but its want i wanted ace combat and games like harks are just not doing it for me i want sim not arcade and i think i am in the right place for that now :thumbsu:  

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Hello again,The DangerDogz were formed quite some time ago when Il-2 was the only good combat sim. In its modded form it is a very comprehensive sim including things like carrier battles and lots of different maps. You will need HSFX too :)

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Hi, 4.12.2 is the correct 1946 version :) You must have downloaded the HSFX files pretty quick!. To set up you joystick, fire up the game and go to the controls button. When you get to the screen scroll down to the Hotas part at the bottom. Then right click next to the axis and move your stick to allocate the axis. Map your guns etc to the buttons on your stick by going to the fire part of the screen and do the right click thing, then press the button you want. Have you got a mic and Teamspeak?

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  • 1. DDz Quorum

Hey, Well done on getting up to speed with IL2 so quick.

I can not be around this Sunday but show up on teamspeak around 7:30 - 8:00 and I am sure someone will be there to provide any assistance.

I am from Croydon and we have Painless who lives in near Portsmouth (but is defiantly NOT a football fan, so don't worry about the Posh/Saints rivalry)

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  • 1. DDz Quorum

Hello and welcome SONofHORUS,

As has been mentioned I live NEAR Portsmouth and indeed had to work in Portsmouth for 17 years in the Fire Service but that is as far as my association with the place goes ! LOL.

I am retired now and avoid going into town whenever I can. I could not give a monkeys about football or any rivalry between Saints and Pompey : ) Southampton gave us the Spitfire after all !

Il2 is still our mainstay because of the variety it offers but we are dragging ourselves up to speed with CLOD for the eye candy and relative realism.

Looking forward to flying with you ASAP m8.


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i look forward to flying with you soon as well but i have to tell you i am in need of some serous training i am finding even taking off to be impossible lol. as for football i dont like the sport lol never been my thing i used to be a skateboarder as a young man and now i just play on my pc and try and avoid the outside world as much as i can as i live in thornhill and its not a nice place to live so its flying clod for the foreseeable future for me well thats if i can get of the ground lol     

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  • 1. DDz Quorum

Sounds like you are doing pretty well SoH as far as getting up to speed is concerned. If it makes you feel any better I have been dragging my heels badly getting sorted with CLOD, ask the chaps ! Lol

One thing you should know about the dogz is that we always understand that real life takes priority and if you take your time for whatever reason or you don't show up for ages it is never a problem, you will always be welcome.

Flying training or tech help is never a problem either as we have many multi talented Gits from several nations at our core.

Cheers, Painless.

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