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Powerline Pass Through Adapter 200Mbps Or 500Mbps


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  • 1. DDz Quorum

I am thinking of getting one of these for my daughters room (her wifi card in the lap top wont work under windows but will under ubuntu :(  ) I cant find the windows vista pro cd to re-install windows


Any one offer advice on acceptable speed these things through out...would 200mbps  be fine for video streaming (you know what teenagers are like....)

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  • 1. DDz Quorum

@ft - no cd no code :(  have had one look in the loft but perhaps i need another. i should have it as i have already done this before...unless it was from the recovery sector.....


@Jabo - I dont have a windows 7 cd plus machine only has 2gb of memory

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  • 2. Administrators

2gb is pushing it a bit though for windows 7.<br /><br />The code sticker should also tell you if you need the service pack 1 or 2 version. You'll need the right version otherwise the code won't work

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  • 1. DDz Quorum

I used powerline in the UK without issue, with the more recent ones that is.

Zyxel (sp?) pretty good make and support is good, one failed so they sent a replacement pair.

Using a TPlink pair here in the US, discovered the power supply for the shite AT&T modem/router actually knocked the powerline network out.

Had to plug it in to a surge protector strip (the power supply that is) and all is good again streaming Netflix in HD.

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  • 1. DDz Quorum

Hay Roger, Hope things are going well for you over the pond.


Actually I took the plunge and went for a pair of TPlink 500mbs yesterday in fact.

Worked straight out of the box and the daughter is now happy again.

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