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  • 1. DDz Quorum

I have a laptop which I have completely locked myself out of and need help...here is what I did....


I wanted to boot into Ubuntu to test the wireless card and connections....

Went into BIOS and attempted to set to boot from usb but could'nt as needed password

Removed CMOS battery to try and reset

When power back on wants password to access data.......result One Friar sailing in a boat up a foul smelling creek with no method of propulsion...


Is there ANYTHING i can do to unlock the machine?



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  • 1. DDz Quorum

still can not get the wireless to work in windows....Ubuntu works no problem......windows can not find the network

spent all day looking for a solution but with no success


Would welcome any offers of advice

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  • 1. DDz Quorum

What brand is the WLAN card?


I heard the laptop is a Dell, what exact model is it?


Next thing to try is to delete all drivers of the card, run some cleanup utilities, use safe mode and shift ...


If you share those two details, I could try and see if I can think of a good cleanup procedure ... 


Keep on running Ubuntu?  :shaunhb:

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  • 1. DDz Quorum

i did go through un installing the card, running uninstall the wi-fi software, ran the utility jabo mentioned to clear out all entries plus the registry. could try again I suppose

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