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Guess Where I Was Today?


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Rog and Kev are not allowed to enter as they already know - :D


So two questions really - Firstly what is it and secondly where is it? A pint (of beer - not gin or any other spirit - unless Painless guesses correctly in which case a small Bacardi and coke will be the prize) for the first person to get both answers.





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You been at the dried frog pills again Tom? As is evidenced by the reciprocating fingle mechanism and the aggropilating swonnicles this is certainly not a self-stimulating jockstrap nor is it anywhere in Yorkshire. I do like the idea of a Museum of Victorian Items of an Insalubrious Nature though - perhaps one for a Dogz day out.


Try again old bean.

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Funnily enough, I was wondering if someone might mention Swooperton.


People are guessing bits of this so I'll put you out of your misery.






























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No, no and I know.


So far two people have been partially right so a half-pint each goes to (and in no particular order)...

















...insert long pause for no obvious reason...





































...then insert even longer pause...


Bongo and TOAD!!!


Bongo for the engine (after some prompting) and TOAD for the location.


This is in fact the 'new' lump on the front end of the Fighter Collection's two-seat Sea Fury currently resident in H2 at (my spiritual home) IWM Duxford (of course). Here's some more photos;




"My" Tiger Moth




Different angle on the Bearcat




Bigger version of original post




New Prop for the Sea Fury




Corsair gets some TLC (should be back flying this year)




Say Cheese!




Primary reason for my visit. Lovely 'new ' Spitty




And with the weather closing in - a last look at a rather forlorn Shackleton (hopefully only temporary) and time to go...

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Ah dang I could of got this with the hint,




Odds of me getting the Pint are slim anyway.


If I'd of got it I was going to give away.


Since Bongo already owns part of it I'll let him have my share the top half to get to his share at the bottom.


Congrats Bongo :salute:


Nice bird by the way!

One day I'll make it over to see em.

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