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Flying Legends 2013 - Debrief Thread.


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  • 2. Administrators

As the Dog on point (well, first one to the hotel anyway), here's the debrief thread...


Arrival at IWM Dux @ 16:30. Weather amazing, warm, sunny, clear skies - perfect


One for Squawk;




One for Fenrir;




Plus spirited displays from the P-40B and Red Bull F4U;










19:00 Arrival at hotel


19:10 First pint


Looking forward to the Dogz arrivals.





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Debrief thread already?  Have I missed it?  Did I drink much?  Did I enjoy my curry? Did I get sun burnt? Do I have a case for sexual harassment against the Priory of St. Oleg? 


Post a picture of our luxury accommodation Jabo.  Setting out at lunchtime tomorrow. Should be there around six-ish.  Make mine a cold one.

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Jabo, silly question but how many pictures did you take last year?  I'm not bothering to bring a laptop but was wondering if I should bring my external on to download pics.?

I can get 450 on my card and I'm bring a dvd camera too.


And a silly hat.

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  • 1. DDz Quorum

Yet again I got roped into some urgent work issues yesterday, I swear they do it on purpose and time it for Flying Legends weekend.


Seems utterly crazy that I live just up the road yet am unable to make it and join you guys :growl:

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Still here everyone gone feel a bit like billy mates,on the bright side did have a great piss up with my new found American friends David and Dennis they are a laugh,and had a great time at the show with the DDs

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Well, what can I say... Another brilliant Flying Legends done and dusted!

Thanks to all the other Dogz for a spiffingly splendid weekend, it was a blast as usual.

Plenty of excellent warbirds took to the skies on what was probably the hottest weekend at Duxford I have witnessed in all my years of attending. I will leave it up to the pros to showcase the photos of the aircraft, but in the meantime a few random pictures from me...


Friday: Old Speckled Hen to welcome the arrival of the Dogz



Focus on the Joker: As it was Stephen Grey's last ever public display, I got up close and personal with his Bearcat.



The business end:



An unusual angle to a charismatic cat:



A neat package, the perfectly designed prop fighter?



Fenrir and I were accommodated in an appropriately numbered room:



The Dogz return to the hotel full of curry and Cobra:



Putting together his next 'dangerwood' blockbuster, Arjen Speilburg Lucas:



Tiring work, all this plane watching malarkey!



Many ice creams were consumed:



What ends a good story? A nice piece of ass:







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Last lot....honestly!






Jaunty angle or what !  FT my mum said you were a good looking chap LOL














KEV ...... "Now that is a bloody formation !"





Thank you to everyone who attended for making it a great memorable occasion and a special thanks to Friar for organising the room and putting up with my snoring and babbling in general. Jabo for the very interesting guided tour of the British hanger, buying me a Pimms and ice which just hit that spot as the temperatures soared into the ninties and the very handy loan of one of his telephoto lenses. 


Not to forget Artie and FT for their generosity.


EDIT: Sorry for the added comments Arthur , I could'nt resist, hope you don't mind : )     We all agreed that you have an excellent eye for a pic BTW.  P.

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  • 2. Administrators

So that's (nearly) that for another Flying Legends, the toys have been put away and various Dogz have wound their way home to all corners of our scepter'd isle. Some of the highlights for me? Stephen Grey's last performances in the Bearcat, Horsemen, 2 Gladiators, Spitfire and Buchon tailchase and many many more. There are pictures coming, but it's too hot here to start messing around with them now, I'll post some up later.


Thanks to everyone who turned up for making this one of the best Legends yet and for those who couldn't, well, roll on next year.



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