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Hey. My name is Miguel and I'm from Portugal. I came to this website throught the Joint ops flying school where I met mr Painless who said this would be a place where I'd fit in. I've only recently started playing IL-2 and I'm thoroughly enjoying it and always looking to learn. I have a soon coming Saitek x45 as such, I'm getting ready and motivated to go :)

My main interests are coop missions especially those involving ground attack (something which I'm surprisingly good at).


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Welcome Maior! Yes, we have Asas (Augusto) from near Lisboa who joins us now and then.

I also joined here after Painless recommended the Dogz to me a few years ago. Looking forward to meeting you on teamspeak sometime...

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  • 1. DDz Quorum

My main interests are coop missions especially those involving ground attack (something which I'm surprisingly good at).

Something you WERE surprisingly good at.....try them with the Dogz...more friendly columns destroyed than enemy!!

Welcome Miguel, have fun!

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  • 1. DDz Quorum

~S~ Maior,

Nice to see you here.

Beware guys, this chap may be new to IL2 but after having spoken to him for a while on TS I think he might just be a very quick learner !

We usually fly on Tuesday and Thursday evenings at around the same time as BFS at JO.

Anything you need to know just post the question here. :D

~S~ Painless

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