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Everything posted by FoolTrottel

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bohcvwiljjI Added some more lighting (the original 4 street lights are switched off here) Compared to RL: And got me a new model, A-Ford, lol. It's on there... bit too big scalewise, but... oh well.... Reason I tried this? Well, I stumbled upon a really cheap (2 Euros!) string of 20 LED's of the right colour... I had to remove 6, and what was worse... the gap between two lights in the original string was 10cm's, where I needed at least 13cm's. Yes, indeed. Thirteen times I had to add four cm's of electrical wire... twentysix times cutting a wire, Fiftytwo times welding them all back together with the good 'ol'e soldering iron.... And that's just the one side of the bridge... do I really want to do the other side as well?
  2. Jets? More of 'm? For IL-2? No frikkin' way! This mod is, as of now, ' VERBOTEN, JA!"
  3. Sounds like a spin-off from The Dark Knight Rises? "The Heavy Knight Sinks" ?
  4. Added three submissions, specifically for the Blue Aces/Heroes amongst us: - Wellingtons Bomb Estree (Their target is a mission goal for Red, so if they hit it, Red will win the map!) - Defiants patrol the Channel. Turkey shoot, or do they have fighter cover? - Walrus patrol the Channel. Now as they are sub-missions, they will spawn... sometime .... or maybe not within those 3 hours the mission runs. Does Blue have radar? Anyways, 34 sub-missions in total now, randomly spawning, time in between two spawns is random between 4 and 10 minutes. Have BFun!
  5. We, you and I plus sombody else, I dont remember, tried this over and over and the conclusion was that it doesnt matter which settings we´d use, IL-2 is just cocked up when dropping bombs on stuff. Well, we used mixed stuff back then... I was on stock 4.12.2m, (a really a separate install) while yours (and others) were using the Hsfx-installl with stock selected in JSGME. Yesterday, before the briefings, Jabo, Fenrir and me did some more testing, and with both true 4.12.2m stock, and with Hsfx with History and Expert, the issue did not occur... As long as we all had the exact same install, and same (limited) mods activated, all appeared to be fine.
  6. Sweper, though we've tried to get everybody running only History and Expert, there's no way of telling everybody indeed had them running only. Probably some did not... We should however try to have everybody running these on our regular coops....
  7. Testing revealed we all must run with this in JSGME: So only History and Expert. This to keep the mission free from the Bomd drop issues ...
  8. One more picture as it is now, because yes, I did buy some more vehicles...
  9. Sorry Mick, for now it's going to be on display here: About there where I placed the red bar in the picture...
  10. Oh my, such a large model, and still so many fiddly bits! Grand job!
  11. Just a hint: Save some bucks and get an i5. The hyper threading stuff an i7 offers is hardly ever used... Maybe read up on it though, I might be a bit behind in knowledge ...
  12. Cool stuff ... I see my seat's already been assigned, nice one!
  13. Really nice video, thanks very much...! (So happy I am so anonymous, yeah, I really took care not to show my squad number on the aircraft, like all others did... oh, and I am still not sure whether I was acting camera shy, or keeping an eye out for bandits, or am really no good at formation flying... lets go for the first one then, yeah...) Really loved the smoker flying over, the jet zipping past and the other git that crashed in between the chimneys at the end... adds so much to the atmosphere!
  14. Thanks Jabo! About the IWM idea: I like it, though on the other hand: this bridge did not have any significant role in WWII... it was a target for the RAF ... but it was never hit by bombs dropped... and then there's the matter of transporting it ...
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