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Everything posted by FoolTrottel

  1. Well, my my my... This was beyond silly, as in, I made a stupid mistake, a typo basically, but the result of the typo was like beyond silly. This is the relevant bit of code to start our DCS OB Server. start /min "" dcs --server --norender @Echo DCS will be started via a powershell script that is in TaskScheduler. So that is all. My mistake? Somehow I lost the line fine at the end of that first line, so it resulted into this: start /min "" dcs --server --norender@Echo DCS will be started via a powershell script that is in TaskScheduler. @exit So, DCS would start, then show a message that "Authorization has failed" and next a whole list of modules that would be unavailable. And next. "Unfortunately DCS has crashed" ... with some weirdo exception error in the log on the intel graphics card driver. Never seen anything like this happen. I mean, one would expect a message "incorrect parameter" at startup, or even a message in the log file. But no, oh well
  2. Have been working on the process that re-starts our DCS OB server process. It will still run for 6 hours, but it will be restarted every day at 1:00AM and PM and 7AM and PM. That is CET. So in DogzTime it'd be 12:00AM/PM and 6AM and PM. For now that is. It may change when summer time comes back. Note: It appears I may or may not have broken the OB a bit for us. Oh well, will look into it later. There's always the stable one...
  3. 12/03/45 2nd Lt. Archie Bunting Air: 1x FW 190D9 (Damaged an Me262 and a 190A8.)
  4. 11/03/45 2nd Lt. Archie Bunting Crash landed in friendly territory. Wounded. Picked up by a Belgian farmers' daughter. Slowly recovering. Very slowly. Not to worry - no problem.
  5. 10/03/45 2nd Lt. Archie Bunting Air: 1x Me-109 Damaged Ground: 1x Boat
  6. This it shows if and when I remove all mods from my game: You must have put that thing in there somewhere ... Try and remove the UH-60L from your game and see if you can join
  7. 09/03/45 2nd Lt. Archie Bunting Air: 1x Me-410 Destroyed Ground: 2x Boat
  8. Some screenshots, from July 20th, 2023. Not sure what the occasion was. All unedited ...
  9. Some North American Screen Shots, featuring Fruitbat and BlueBear...
  10. Look here: https://forum.il2sturmovik.com/topic/85701-fortresses-and-focke-wulfs-announcement/ B17E, P51A, Typhoon, 190A ... And discussion here: https://forum.il2sturmovik.com/topic/85702-discussion-of-fortresses-and-focke-wulfs-announcement/ And at ATAG: https://theairtacticalassaultgroup.com/forum/showthread.php?t=37474
  11. Well, if a missing jet disappears, then I guess anything goes. 😵
  12. Me thinks OverDhill was a user of updspeed, and he's designed/created setups for specific 1946 cockpits on some devices. He was not involved in creating updspeed. From the first link you posted: "(,,)UDPSpeed is a program written by Hruks and Alezz (...) Just my 2C. Good luck!
  13. 03/03/45 2nd Lt. Archie Bunting bailed out, due to unrecoverable spin due to too high climb rate and too low speed in the end... Landed eastern side of the Rhine. Ground: 2x Gun (of the Artillery type)
  14. I've sent an email in his general direction ...
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