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1. DDz Quorum
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Everything posted by FoolTrottel

  1. Wow, that town got hit good/bad*! *Depends on how you look at it, from what side, and from what mindset ...
  2. Thanks Colin! (Waaay to many targets for 90m me thinks... but, oh well... time to check some plans...)
  3. I'd swap the PSU for a better one (spend more money on it) if CrossFire is in the future. Then again, why buy a CPU+GPU in one, if one plans to switch over to separate video cards later? Not smart me thinks... but, I guess budget is limiting...
  4. The Dogfight server is always up: df.dangerdogz.com
  5. Friar, my apologies, I started to voice my opinion where it wasn't even asked...
  6. Ooww... forgot my ideas on the winning scenario: yes, we will! Eh, I mean.. just add up all points scwhored? Per side?
  7. He (or in the interests of Fairness, she) must be pretty darn busy. I'll go get my coat. Jabo
  8. Just stating my opinion here: 1. No 2. Yes 3. No opinion whatsoever. Can do without any icons 4. No! 1. No Disconnect + Reconnect at all! Refly, yes (Disconnect + reconnect only when in hardware/software trouble...) 2. No opinion whatsoever. 3. No opinion whatsoever. 4. No opinion whatsoever. 5. Speaks for itself ... But, how can we judge these 'rules' ie. how to make sure they are applied correctly? I think: keep it simple. Bad things will happen. Like I said on TS, should I find myself in a Hurricane with engine damage -ie no good landing/refly option- I might opt to hit the tailplane or wing of a 111/Dornier if I got the chance. And, why not? What if I collide with a bomber? -ie can't pull out in time? Who's gonna judge whether intentional or not? Keep it simple: No disconnect/reconnect due to game play. No other rules, there's a war on you know!
  9. Not all of them, but first goto page 3 of that thread, then take the top one (HSFX Version 6.0), then goto page 2 and get HSFX Version 6 0.W02 to W04, next Part2 Ver 6.EXE and Part2 Ver 6.W02 to W04 and Part3 Ver 6.EXE , Part3 Ver 6.EXE and Part3 Ver 6.W02. Also, check the contents of your MODS folder. If there's anything in it, remove it (if UV3 is in there, then, for now, first disable Tigers Flyby v3 in JSGME) (That's just for troubleshooting purposes now) There's an alternative way: 'CheckMods'. It's a utility exclusive to us DD's. It will check your current installation, and will download missing or incorrect files, so you will end up with our current standard. Download check mods from here: Link Create a separate folder for it, and unzip the contents to that folder. RightClick Chkmods.exe, and select 'Run as Administrator' (only need to do that once, if you are running Windows 7) It will need a FireWall permission, but ithere should be pop up asking for that. It will then update itself (to 1.10) Let it search for your IL2 install, and select the correct one. Press 'Verify Mods', let it run (will take a while) After it's done checking, press 'Fix issues', that will take even longer. After its first run, exit ChkMods, and start it again. Repeat the 'Verify Mods' - 'Fix issues' until 'Verify Mods' stops finding issues. It should result in a version of IL2 1946 HSFX v6.017 Good Luck. (I have used the IP address from your latest reply in this thread as yours, so from that IP address you car run ChkMods, if you have the game on a different IP address, then ChkMods will not run...)
  10. Yes, good read, thanks for posting that link!
  11. Only took part in two missions, but it was great! (In the video, at 52'00+, is that that big ship where Jedi and I (and others) had to attack and silence the rear AA guns? If so, looks like we indeed did silence them... ) Thanks for creating and sharing the video!
  12. Could it be a combination of non-optimum screen resolution, with a browser set to non-100% zoom/character size? Just guessing ...
  13. Not sure about that I3, I'd go for an I5, and 8GB of memory... but I know, budget... You're not thinking about using onboard video are you?
  14. Welcome back Fumps! Really 'rarely'? For the Dogz it still may be too often... If you want an easy way to bring your IL2 installation up to our current standard, then you can try and use CheckMods. (Or rather, use it on a copy of your IL2 installation,or rather make a backup copy of your IL2 installation, then run checkmods. Well, making a backup copy of your installation is always a good idea before you apply any updates and/or mods onto it...
  15. Friday, Saturday, Sunday + whatever else.
  16. Texcompres=0 will work if you have plenty of memory on your video card, Fruitbat obviously hás plenty. New thread on this subject: Popular Il-2 Config Settings, Widescreen, Graphics And Others (texcompress=0 is listed there if you have troubles loading big missions...)
  17. How to change your conf.ini to get the most out of the game onto the screen. Edit your conf.ini file in a simple text editor, like notepad. Conf.ini can be found in the root of the folder where you installed IL-2 1946. Widescreen: Determine what your screen's native resolution is in width x height, you should run Windows in this resolution as well, otherwise settings below will not work. Check all the settings and their values listed here! (Popular values for width x height: 1680x1050, 1920x1080, 1920x1200) [window] width=width height=height ColourBits=32 DepthBits=24 StencilBits=8 ChangeScreenRes=0 FullScreen=1 DrawIfNotFocused=1 EnableResize=0 EnableClose=0 SaveAspect=0 Use3Renders=0 As to prevent a paratrooper error / hang up at 90% while loading a mission: [Render_OpenGL] (...) TexCompress=2 (...) In order to have long distance viewing: 72km in stead of 36km: (You will need powerfull enough hardware for this, if your framerates drop significantly, revert back to =2) LandGeom=3 If you want to disable the mod that makes you have to open bomb bay doors: (Add the [Mods] section to the bottom of the file if it's not there) [Mods] BombBayDoors=0 ** Feel free to add to this **
  18. Why don't we have a thread with things like this? Including Texcompress=2, Landgeom=3, IgnoreSwep=1 ... I'll have a go look whether we have one, if I can't find it, I'll create one!
  19. There's only óne game ya know... dunno what you are on about here.
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