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Everything posted by FoolTrottel

  1. Complex Engine Management is switched off? (Difficulty setting...?)
  2. lol... good show! I will not order it. Still working on my 1/32 Swordfish ... and next, all still in their box: 1/32 bf110, 1/32 Sturmovik 2M, 1/24 FW190, 1/124 109e, 1/24 P51D, 1/24 Stuka.... I'm cool... (Carp, forgot all about 1/24 Mossie...)
  3. Yeah, USB adapter like, should do fine. Make sure it's one that compatible with yer router, N- and stuff thingies. Otherwise from removing the adapter (similar to uninstall) then re-booting the pc so it can discover the card itself, I have no other options to tinker with...
  4. What brand model is that laptop? Which version of Windows?
  5. Keep running it, after one run, have it check again, chances are some downloads went bad... just keep checking until issue list is empty
  6. ChkMods should work with any version! It will even install the basis of what you need for online play if you let it point at an empty folder! What's the issue with it?
  7. W00t! * When? * When I add up all distances, and use speed to calculate, mission will run for about 90 minutes? * You titled the thread 'd/f as coop', what does that mean? Will it be run as a Coop? (Guess so, as you do not mention any Home Bases en-route for people late, or Mossies who's engines failed at low level...?) Looks like "Brilliant!"
  8. Wot? One complete bodnar board, 'worth' up to 32 buttons and some axis, and you only used two buttons?? Is that future proofing? Just kidding... Nice job!
  9. 24 Hours? UAC is User Account Control. Some security-related safety mechanism that MS has built into Vista and 7. Basically, it shows what a bad OS it is... as it cannot determine whether you as the user started a program or administrative function, or that some other process started it. (A bad guy remotely, or a virus...). It warns you and asks you whether you started it... and, if set very high, it will block all actions of programs that are not fully programmed the way MS wants them to be... As you got CheckMods running for 24 hours... it should not be bothered by UAC on your system
  10. Well, I've tried running it with UAC slider at its top... It wouldn't even let it create/write/delete any files in its own folder, so, just to be sure ...
  11. Here's how the Twist slider is converted to a brake lever. (Spring operated, so when released it returns to the no-brakes position)
  12. What Jabo said, and also switch off UAC ....
  13. Right back at ya mr. P!
  14. It can do all of it... well, you will get an install that will let you join online action, offline stuff like missions, Dgen, Ngen etc. are not included...
  15. Refurbish? You mean replace the pots and switches? Hm, no, haven't done that yet, no need to... Or do you want me to bring a mint FFB2 (red buttons) to Duxford, swap it for yours, I got a year to refurbish it, and next year at Duxford, we swap 'm back? W00t! Good chance I'll automatically remove the twist from the stick, as I just hate that. Twist is for sissies, real men use pedals...
  16. Sidewinder FFB2 And Guillemot FFB Merger Note there's no twisty action anymore, the left over pot has been mounted as a brake lever somewhere between the throttle lever and the buttons 5 to 8. Not present on this model though.
  17. Bump ... we need more in ... Hey you gits from the other side of the big pond... how yer doin' re planning yer travels?
  18. Got an idea for a new App for the iPhone (solely for iPhone) and I'd like to know whether it would be a good one, as in, would it become popular? Actually, I got two ideas... 1. Health check app. Start the App, a Blue arrow will appear on a white field, the arrow is pointing at a Red circle. Hold the iPhone in front of you, about between your knees. Pee on it, where the goal is to have a nice flow along the blue arrow, into the red circle. After having done that, wait 5 minutes, and check your mailbox ... (Hm, this one could be used in sports as well, you know, anti-doping ...For sure, the results will not go to your inbox...) 2. Tire pressure app. Start the App, a black arrow will appear on a white field. Place the iPhone in front of the right rear wheel of your car, with the arrow pointing towards the tire. Start car, put it in gear, and inch forward untill the iPhone is out of sight. Wait for 20 seconds ... move card backwards, check the screen... (Yeah, I realize the downside of this one, as you can't tell when them twenty seconds have passed, as your timer is... out of sight) Well, what do you think?
  19. Brilliant... another good plan out of the window... oh well...
  20. The utility mentioned by Delta (IL2Joycontrol) will show what is on what Axis, as well as IL2-Sticks. No more guessing what's on what...
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