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Everything posted by FoolTrottel

  1. If I did it correctly, a sunken ship would no longer be in the way... the following ships would pass it iether just to the left, or right.. Hopefully, they will end up looking like in a line, but in fact, really are not...
  2. Big bummer there... as you could see, at the end all ships collide, as they all take the exact same course. Now, at the end, 2.5 hours in, no worries, the mission would have ended already... But, imagine the lead ship getting damaged mid mission... stopping dead in the water... result... pile up... (Used to not be a problem before, but now that ships take so long to sink...) Oh well, boils down to manually plotting each ship and each WP... fixed the top two columns... I hope I put sufficient space vertically between them now... In the end, I'm so busy doing this stuff, I may not find the time to properly prepare something for this Sunday .... Hold on, I could always switch priorities...
  3. For BA: Here's an image from the plotted waypoints, the lead (Napier) and rear (Tribal) DD's are in place (North/South movements), the circling commodant is in blue (just to make it stand out, it will be redded soon!) You can tell the zig-zagging of the other ships here as well, as the 6 columns.
  4. Circle? Yeah, via the JABOWP method.... *(Just a bunch of WayPoints) There's not too many destroyers, so they will be manually plotted, not too difficult... Though... one has to be careful with unforseen collisions End of mission, this happened: And, big thanks for reminding me to save the convoy for later use, I planned to do so, but I kinda already forgot
  5. That'd be the idea, yeah! But, don't tell anybody, it's a surprise!
  6. Was working on a new mission, and thought it might be nice to show some stages of the build. As this is a convoy defense mission, we need a big area of water, and a convoy. Map: Atlantic Summer. Did some research on convoys, on their size, speed and build up. So, this scared me, as I had to put 42 ships - of different types - in six columns, doing some zig-zags as well! For now, I focused only on the convoy ships, not the escorts. Decided to put all 42 ships on the map, as per image above. Gave each ship 2 waypoints, so they would be traveling behind each other. Mind you, this picture has them traveling North, I choose to let them move east. Now, as for the zig-zag... One would normally manually plot a lead ship (ie the one in the top column) to some zig-zagging waypoints, then copy/paste the waypoints values into Ms-Excel, and apply some calculating to 'generate' the waypoints for the other ships. On a normal map, the bottom left (SW) position is X=0, Y=0, and the top right (NE) has the highest coordinate values. The top right of the first square (A0) is X=10.000 Y=10.000, so a difference in value of 1 means 1 meter distance. Now that would make plotting with excel quite easy, subtract 1.000 from the Y of the first ship, and you have a ship positioned 1km to the south! Too bad, I found out it does not work this way on a really big map, as suddenly, all the X and Y's are in the negatives, and they do no longer correspond with the simpel 10.000 per 10km rule. Even worse, giving a ship two waypoints would normally result into two lines in the mission file. On this map, six lines. Of unknown origin. So, I nearly caved there, I was sure I was not going to plot some 11 waypoints for each and every of the 42 ships! Too much tedious work! But, after some thinking, I found a solution: Plotted the lead ship of a columns position manually. Then copied all of its waypoints and pasted them starting after the first waypoint for each and every other ship in that column. So, the second WP of each following ship would be equal to the first of the lead ship. And so on. Result: they all follow eachother nicely in the zigs and zags. By the time the second ship has reached the first one's initial WP, the first one had already moved towards its secondary WP. (Sure, still had to plot 6x 11 WP's, and use paste for each ship, yet, it was at least doable.) Results: Okay, that's all for now. More might follow, but I'm surely not gonna report on all details that were put into the mission, oh no...
  7. FoolTrottel

    P51 Train

    Unhappy landings ...
  8. You'd better start storing one's as they take up much less space, see below: Eight times a one, gives this: IIIIIII Eight zeroes do this: 00000000 See? I bet I got as many ones stored as you zeroes, and I will still have plenty space to store even more ones. Or even some zeroes, but, why would one store zeroes? Ones are the ones to go for! (Just my opInI0n)
  9. Indeed Sid, they all look like P-12E's to me... and my (home made) what-the-feck-is-that software always agrees with me ...
  10. "Offer only valid in the United States to residents with a U.S. mailing address." tyvm
  11. Same here, got the Premium, the most expensive thingy....
  12. Hm, tried that, even using a super magnet (Neodimium type), did not do any harm to the stick, or the data on it? Memory on a stick is not of the Magnetic type...
  13. If your computer is current and up to date with a good virusscanner ( ), ánd you have no 'autorun' on the stick/usb ports activated, you should be able to plug it in, wait till it shows up on a drive letter, then right click it and choose 'Format'. Check for autorun: click start, type Autorun select 'Change default settings for media or devices', then under 'Software and Games' select 'Take no action'... Well, in the end... there's still a risk, for sure.
  14. 327.23 Updating fairly regularly. Well, haven't updated to the latest, obviously. Can't say I see any difference/change in every update. Running a GTX580 ...
  15. Interested, Mosquito please. If needed, I will take the Photo one, just because I got that title here ...
  16. Yeah, Line In of the computer with a 3.5mm jack should do fine. Use the Aux L/R from the tape player output ... Your biggest challenge will probably be getting your hands on a good and user friendly piece of software that will work without too much of a hassle...
  17. Me thinks he's still in the cockpit....
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