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Everything posted by FoolTrottel

  1. (Sorry, can't get on TS right now.... maybe in an hour ...)
  2. Run JSGME, disable all mods, enable stock 4.12m Try start the game. Quit game Run JSGME, enable history and expert. Fire up game again...
  3. Announcement: we are changing to 7.0.2 officially Swep, check the contents of the file HSFX_Client_Updater.ini , the one that is in the folder where your game is installed in... It should mention the same folder name as is being used in the shortcut you start the game with...
  4. yeah, check contents of HSFX_Client_Updater.ini file....
  5. Me neither. Then again, I've never used it...
  6. Nothing too much out of the ordinary here. Differences with my conf.ini OpenGL: TexMipFilter=2 TexFlags.UseDither=0 TexFlags.TexAnisotropicExt=0 You must realize this was a very special occasion: 1. Host was running 7.02, where most of the clients were running 7.01 2. From the very start of the mission, the moment Fen pressed 'Fly', my eventlog.lst file got filled up with java.lang.nullpointerexceptions, at com.maddox.il2.objects.trains.LocomotiveVerm.place(LocomotiveVerm.java:147), over 25 of these messages per second were generated.Resulting in a log file of over 500Mb's. 3. Crash's game also hung itself, albeit at the end of the mission. (And, I think it happened to some else too...) 4. I could not really use track recording, switching it on resulted in a massive pause - about 4 to 5 seconds. 5. ... I would not be too worried about this one occurence.... I have checked the mission file running 7.01 and 7.02, the error that occured on Tuedsday did not occur during my test. Sure, it was a limited test, me hosting, with no clients. But it shows that there are no basic compatibility issues with the mission file. Me thinks the large map, long mission + the 7.01/2 combo did it, and maybe even one of the clients was still 'in between' them versions... (Starting the autoupdater, it ending prematurely due to a connection issue or whatever error...)
  7. Too bad Pooka, we did have a great time... apart from the one's who's computers were crushed under the heavy mission load, and / or some weird issues regarding some people were on 7.02 already, others weren't and some even had 7.015-ish versions... In the end... typical Dogz night... Half show up prepared and ready, the mission is fine, though it does not load fine, we need a restart, half of the ones who thought they were prepared now find they are not, the others find they are, and somehow the mission happens, gets done with, lots of things happening that no one ever thought could (Friar navigating succesfully to a Rendez vouz Waypoint!), and vice versa, (Sweper getting swept by the Luftwaffe without killin' half of them first..) I could go on and on...
  8. MMAPRPI's: A blue dot marks where a bomb may have hit.. (Mid Mission Action Packed Recon Photoedited Images) (Recording track did not work out, once I pressed 'R' I got a massive pause of multiple seconds, then had to try and gain control/hading/whatnots back... Oh well)
  9. Very good show.... Very cool mission. Thanks Fenrir !! Scores: (Can you send me the mission Fen, so I can do some testing and research on it? Compare it with the logfiles? My Log.lst file is over 500Mb's... )
  10. (I may have to bail out at any moment, depending on a phone call, but, I'll be there!)
  11. No, that's not what he said. Tolwyn said we should not need using it at all. AA was designed to get rid of 'steps' at low resolutions (ie like 640x480) At the high resolutions we are running nowadays, there's no longer speak of 'steps', but mear 'jaggies'. Hence, acccording to theory, we can do without AA... What it boils down to in my opinion, is that we are all so 'spoiled' in not wanting to see any jaggies at all. (Me thinks there's people that'd even use a magnifying glass to make sure there are none left after the latest new HW upgrade, driver and settings tunings...) Just think about the huge task AA has to perform, for each and every pixel drawn, it has to analyse whether it is part of a straight line, and if so, it has to change contrast and whatnots of pixels around it, to try and solve the jaggie issue. To smoothe it out, AAx4 does it probably with double the amount of work ('depth'?), even more for the x8 etc. Now, remember, we are running high resolutions... so, for each and every pixel...yeah. Sh1tloads of work... performance will go down .... alot...
  12. Pressing Load loads the profile values stored under the listed/selected profile. Save saves them. So, that's where/how you lost your 'old settings'. You should have selected 'Joystick2' first, then press Save What worries me in your case, is the game cashing, that should not happen.
  13. FoolTrottel


    Try and call me: fool_trottel@hotmail.com
  14. Jolly good! 140 Wing PR Flight I'm gonna bring the pictures home this time ... !
  15. Me thinks it depends on how you are flying it... when attacking bombers, not so much, if you fly it correctly, and line up your attack in a proper way... Hurricane was known to be a 'stable gun platform', hence it must have been stable in flight... hence little need to use the rudder. Once in a dogfight with a 109 on yer tail... different story... Does make me think of a bomber attack sortie I did in CloD, remembering how I kept the throttle and pitch in a constant position, and just line up with a bomber, fire at it, pull out/up, make some turns while above it... setting up for another run .... now I can't remember using the rudder much, but as I never touched throttle nor pitch, I must've let it fly itself.... zooming? (Not sure if I can explain that 'feeling' correctly here)
  16. Snacko, one question, will this change any of my profiles? (Sorry, I could not resist, and I really tried to!)
  17. Well, currently, we use a set of 2000 missions, on some 100 different maps. The most popular ones, that are also not that very large: - Ardennes - Normandy - Desert
  18. Thanks for that Arthur, that take off was a blast, to be in it, and to see it again! (Gotta have to have a look at that Shadowplay thingie...)
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