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Everything posted by FoolTrottel

  1. Me thinks most modern headsets use USB for 5.1, or even 7.1 That is, most of 'm use software tricks to make it sound like you do have 8 speakers... And, using USB headsets will make you go digital... connection wise. And, you get the problem of having multiple devices... What about this thing: Logitech G930 , it's got 7.1, and is wireless. That may solve your issue of using two setups? (Butkicker might be a no go in this setup though...)
  2. Welcome here! IL-2 can be a bit special in setting up your controls, and chances are you need to do something special. I'll try and talk you through it. Start the game, go to 'Controls', then scroll all the way down to the 'HOTAS Control' section. Now use the mouse to click on the right hand side of the screen, at the level of the control you want to assign, in the screen below it's the Aileron function. Click so a box appears. Now move the stick to the right, so you have to move the Axis of the stick that you want to assign to Ailerons. Do the same for Elevator, moving the stick forward. And for rudder, if you have it on the stick that is, other wise, kick your rudder pedals. Test it in game. In cockpit, use external view to see whether the surfaces move correctly... If they move in the wrong direction - suppose the Aileron does - then go back to the controls, click on the Aileron part again, then move the stick the other direction (left in this case ie. my example / my instructions.) You should see the directional change in that a - appears in front, or disappears if it was... Hope this helps!
  3. Me thinks some manual adjustments to conf.ini are in order there... send 'm over here!
  4. All glued together now: Now me thinks the next step should be to put in the road surface / decking, instead of starting the stuff that will make the span...
  5. No need for Compatibility mode I think... Can't remember either...
  6. Noteworthy? Some head-on car crashes ... ? No, it'd have to be the filming of course ... Oh, just read in the news the local museum had to close up shop, due to budget cuts ... Fools!
  7. Hm. Now that you mention it, I haven't really checked it... Well, at 2m long, maybe some 25cm high ... No problem ... I hope
  8. Putting some of the parts together... The white part has been glued together, the rest not .. yet
  9. Still some 5 more holes to drill... Here's a quick test-fit...
  10. Step 3, 16 Cross-barer thingies, supporting the deck ... (One extra, for spare) Now, let me think of a way to 'drill' square holes into them guirders, where I can stick them cross-thingies in ... Hoorray for me, 32 of those holes to make!
  11. So, this week I simply decided to build myself a model of the bridge in my home town, the bridge that was used as a stand in for the Anrhem one in the movie 'A Bridge Too Far'. Some pictures how the thing looks: A drawing I found in the local archives (Yes, I spent a few hours in one of Europe's oldest Libraries - dating back to 1560 - researching!). Brilliant to browse through that old stuff Basically, the only one I could find with some measurements... The other values must be retrieved from a picture like this one: I will only be building the span itself, maybe the two pilars later as well... Maybe. It will simply be an all wooden model, should be to scale, (1/70) but not too precise, and not too detailed. I mean the thing is all riveted, each beam and strut and whatnot... First step done: Buying me some wood. Check! Second step done: The two basic guirders (?) 2.10m long, getting them to bend a bit, as the bridge may appear level in the last picture, it does have a bulge! Check! Yes, please wish me good luck... And if anyone has some cracking ideas what to do with the model once it's finished, please share! (It might burn nicely, true... or blow up nicely.... but) (Same bridge, destroyed by the Germans in april 1945... someone forgot his helmet lol)
  12. Nope... but there should be plenty of area's on maps that can be a good stand-in for it...
  13. I got the P-51 Not too sure why though... I mean, there's only one, and I got that one, then there's CloD, and BOS is updating... Oh, yeah, and I got to work tomorrow, on a Saturday... well, only for a few hours, but still....
  14. Interesting? Not it's no, it's Jets! Friggin' Jets!
  15. Have changed the skill level of Bomber pilots. Increased their 'Discipline' level a lot, in an attempt to stop them manouvering rather weirdly...
  16. Hold on, I think it's a tool to help one building missions, based on 'templates': "some sort of useful mechanism to manipulate mission object templates." Maybe, some time...
  17. Ah, now there's two to eight perfect reasons to be out there....! Thanks for the pictures!
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