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1. DDz Quorum
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Everything posted by FoolTrottel

  1. 12/03/45 2nd Lt. Archie Bunting Air: 1x FW 190D9 (Damaged an Me262 and a 190A8.)
  2. 11/03/45 2nd Lt. Archie Bunting Crash landed in friendly territory. Wounded. Picked up by a Belgian farmers' daughter. Slowly recovering. Very slowly. Not to worry - no problem.
  3. 10/03/45 2nd Lt. Archie Bunting Air: 1x Me-109 Damaged Ground: 1x Boat
  4. This it shows if and when I remove all mods from my game: You must have put that thing in there somewhere ... Try and remove the UH-60L from your game and see if you can join
  5. 09/03/45 2nd Lt. Archie Bunting Air: 1x Me-410 Destroyed Ground: 2x Boat
  6. Some screenshots, from July 20th, 2023. Not sure what the occasion was. All unedited ...
  7. Some North American Screen Shots, featuring Fruitbat and BlueBear...
  8. Look here: https://forum.il2sturmovik.com/topic/85701-fortresses-and-focke-wulfs-announcement/ B17E, P51A, Typhoon, 190A ... And discussion here: https://forum.il2sturmovik.com/topic/85702-discussion-of-fortresses-and-focke-wulfs-announcement/ And at ATAG: https://theairtacticalassaultgroup.com/forum/showthread.php?t=37474
  9. Well, if a missing jet disappears, then I guess anything goes. 😵
  10. Me thinks OverDhill was a user of updspeed, and he's designed/created setups for specific 1946 cockpits on some devices. He was not involved in creating updspeed. From the first link you posted: "(,,)UDPSpeed is a program written by Hruks and Alezz (...) Just my 2C. Good luck!
  11. 03/03/45 2nd Lt. Archie Bunting bailed out, due to unrecoverable spin due to too high climb rate and too low speed in the end... Landed eastern side of the Rhine. Ground: 2x Gun (of the Artillery type)
  12. I've sent an email in his general direction ...
  13. Looks like it is indeed: No idea what is going on... Edit: In the admin control panel I can see lots of errors and messages... but I cannot fix them, would not know how...
  14. Yes. See Fenrirs' post in this shout-thread. It's right before yours!
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