Hi Guys,
Just thought i'd introduce myself.
My name is Chris and some of you may have met me online as Bear, Bear_Boradin or twostix, i'm from SE England and a good friend of Fenrir.
I've flown IL2 pretty much since the day it was released and have a complete (and some would say worrying) obsession with flying and WW2 aeroplanes!
I'm only recently returning to flying online after a period of inactivity due to real life, women etc...
But now I'm back, i've patched up to UP2.01 and am ready for action!
I'll fly just about anything, upside down and three inches off the ground if I have to, but am usually found 'putting on' a Hurri, Spit, Mustang, P-40 or Mossie and blasting those damned huns to kingdom come. (Well I certainly try!)
I had the privilage of meeting a few of you at Duxford this year (Actually the Red Lion Pub!) and I hope to see more of you online soon... If you'll have me!
Regards and happy landings