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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by BluBear

  1. BluBear


    WOW! That was absolutely awesome. I've seen some of Ken's other videos but this one takes the biscuit! And that cute little Fiesta has been turned into a fire-breathing mad machine. Oh and defo kudos to the Segway man, balls of steel right there lol
  2. "Doggy-style threeway gone wrong?!"
  3. Ah I remember now! That was a great weekend wasn't it? Thanks for joining me up, i've had a look at the thread and everything seems to make sense, so that's good! ... Hi Fruitbat, of course, I couldn't remember your callsign. That was a grim day wasn't it, in more ways than one! I hear that the glider pilot is making a good recovery which is good. ... Hi FoolTrottel, was it you that sliced my Hurricane's wing off yesterday? ;-) hehe
  4. Great fun at Dogsford tonight, thanks guys!

  5. Hi Guys, Just thought i'd introduce myself. My name is Chris and some of you may have met me online as Bear, Bear_Boradin or twostix, i'm from SE England and a good friend of Fenrir. I've flown IL2 pretty much since the day it was released and have a complete (and some would say worrying) obsession with flying and WW2 aeroplanes! I'm only recently returning to flying online after a period of inactivity due to real life, women etc... But now I'm back, i've patched up to UP2.01 and am ready for action! I'll fly just about anything, upside down and three inches off the ground if I have to, but am usually found 'putting on' a Hurri, Spit, Mustang, P-40 or Mossie and blasting those damned huns to kingdom come. (Well I certainly try!) I had the privilage of meeting a few of you at Duxford this year (Actually the Red Lion Pub!) and I hope to see more of you online soon... If you'll have me! Regards and happy landings BluBear
  6. BluBear

    Cheers Friar

    +1 As a prospective Dog and this being the first time flying with you guys I was very impressed with the organisation and excecution of such a fun event. Thanks for hosting, I had a great time and well done for all the effort you guys put in. Also a round of applause to all the pilots for a great show. It was nice meeting you all, most for the first time. S!
  7. BluBear

    Normandy 2014

    A week with the Dogz in sunny Normandy visiting many places of historical interest. What a fantastic holiday!
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