I've been struggling to find the time this year to commit to my ideal two nights a week, sometimes even one is difficult. This is regretful, but hopefully only temporary.
Currently it's the combination of a new home-life situation and a demanding job that often leaves precious little evening time or energy for anything else.
Having reluctantly made the decision to ditch Sundays a while back due to focusing on the newer sims, I have missed the banter with certain dogz for some time now.
Honestly, 1946 doesn't really do it for me anymore, I've been well and truly bitten by the DCS bug so tend to gravitate there should I find myself with an evening free to fly.
Even CloD is losing it's appeal in recent months due to its developmental stagnation and drop in regular Dogz numbers.
I want to spend more time in BoX, but if I only get one evening free it's simpler to just fire up DCS. (plus, there has been considerable investment here compared to elsewhere )
Perhaps as Tom says, another review is in order?