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Everything posted by fruitbat

  1. is this the good or bad one?
  2. i just loaded them both into winmerge to compare them, and it says they're both identical, very strange...
  3. it was good, but i was expecting something a bit more at the end, don't know what, but not a curtain with the credits, lol. is it a sign that i'm getting older, that as it was playing, i was thinking, glad i don't have to tidy that lot up...
  4. great photos, thanks for posting the link. its amazing how many planes were written off in accidents, also amazing how quick the US built up the bases there.
  5. i'm in the process of making a co-op based around BoB, on the early channel stage in july at the moment, based on the events of the 25 july, basically a large convoy was travelling down the channel between dover and folkestone, and was attacked by ju87's escorted by 109's, with some 110's low level attacking dover harbour itself, with various spit and hurris squadrons sent to intercept. I've changed some of the airfields to make it a bit more co-op friendly but tried to stay as historical as i can including correct squadrons. disclaimer, this is the first co-op i've made, although i'm no stranger to the fmb, will release for testing and tweaking soon, if all goes well, will make some more, have some good references and ideas for some early ruburbs and cicuses as well. fruitbat
  6. wow that looks good. i just tried to reinstall SH3 on my newish comp the other day, and despite people on the SH3 forums saying its possible on vista 64, not really having any joy, and to be honest, don't think i'll bother anymore with this coming out in march
  7. The Hornet had conter rotating props as well, like the p38 plus laminer flow wings, its like a super 1 man mosquito, must of been loverly to fly
  8. Thanks alot, great info, i'll be keeping tabs on this
  9. very much interested do you have any more info?
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