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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Sweper

  1. Heads up. New world record; 360 degree panorama 80 gigapixel picture. This time London can be scrutinized (I kow for sure at least one naked...). http://www.360cities.net/london-photo-en.html
  2. Sweper


    Congratulations Mate!
  3. The heck with dragons and other trivial stuff. Now I´m enjoyning my new vacum tube ampifier thar just arriwed from China. When it is getting dark you dont need any candles. Maby a good pick-up line: Do you wanna enjoy my hot glowing tubes!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Kimosabi


      What kind of headpones are you using Swep? I've heard great stuff about Rise Of Flight.

    3. Sweper
    4. Kimosabi


      Nice them phones. Imma get sum gooder phones myself!

  4. Met a very nice looking woman, that gave me that extra lovely smile everytime I met her. After a month or so, I decided, now it is time to ask her for a date. Of cource she didnt show up in almost two weeks. When I finally met her again my mouth and throat was so dry I couldnt ask what I intended too. Root-channel is easier...

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Kimosabi


      I saw the movie "How to train your dragon" last week. Might be some good tips in there.

    3. Jediteo


      Dragons are usually tamer than women.

    4. Tribunus


      Or at least more predictable.

  5. Nice find. Peace to his family. But: "Well preserved: The wreck of the Spitfire, including the cockpit and propellors were in excellent condition". How does it look like when in bad condition?
  6. Sorry to hear this Jim. Hope the new treatment will do you good. Thinking of you mate.
  7. Thanks mates! Really appreciate your kind words. Snacko, nice first camera, easy to handle and capture well saturated pic´s with a nice contrast to it. I think when the D40 first came out it got praised from all the reviewers. Cheers Swep
  8. Thanks BG! Yea, I´m getting older and perhaps wiser Ranom pick´s from around the Port. Goodnight! Relaxed Swep with a San Miguel. Cheers! Cheers! Swep
  9. Part two. 10 minutes walk from our house. Some street photos from the nearby town Soller. A small bar. A dangerdog? The old tram that runs between Soller and Puerto De Soller. Market-day. There is also a train running between Soller and the capitol city Palma. Old lady with dog. In almost every townhouse garden they grow oranges, lemons, peach and other fruits. Those streets are narrow. And this one is actually not a one-way! Renovation of church interior. Son! You can now confess your sins for me. To be countinued...
  10. Part one. A bunch of pic´s from Majorca/Mallorca Spain October 2010. A fair mix of sunsets, street-photo, sea-views and other. Re street-photo, I think it is a genre that I like a lot. Especially narrow alleys with a charactare like were I stayed. This is Puerto De Soller where I use to stay. A night-shot from same location. The house we share with another family. Some views from the back patio. From the upper deck/roof I think it is about 80-100 meters free fall to the water. Since the back patio is to the west we get many nice sunsets. Could show many more but I think it will get boring. There are lots of olive plantaions on the island. Some of the olive trees could be over 1000 years old, I heard. I think this house is used only for olive picking purpose. Those small houses are all around the island. Pedro picking...Olives! Twisted and crocked olive trees. By the way, the soil is very "reddish". It is also named terracotta soil. Used a lot to pottery. Thats why many houses are yellowy/reddish Highest peek on the island is Puig Major. A former Nato base with a uge radar staion on the top. 1445 meters above see level. This is the barranc to Sa Calobra with scary hairpin bends. Cool watching all turist buses hanging on the edge. A 270 degree bend. To be continued...
  11. You picki´n guys. Btw, I think it is me in flames behind the artillery
  12. Thanks Snacko! Just tried three of the missions. The carrier one was pretty fun. But 170mph, first I thought it was in kmh and was supprised when taking off, I hover like a helicopter over the deck! Landning was not a piece of cake. Have to figure out that one. Malta was a new experience. Nice looking map. Cheers!
  13. Sweper

    Cheers Friar

    Salute Friar! Nice event Sir. Even though I had zero minutes of practice, things went pretty well. Execept from my landing..
  14. Sorry to read about your illness mate. Hope you get a good treatment so they can get rid of it once for all. Get well soon Jim! Swep
  15. Sure Jedi. If it is not to early, like 6-8 am, I will take a train to Kopenhagen airport.
  16. Count me in Sir. Friday & saturday will be fine. I could even stay until monday if anyone like to do a (WW2 aero) museum visit.
  17. Thank you guys! Quiet a shock to come back and see a frosty landscape outside to train window. From 20-24, last week, to minus 4 celsius. Tuesday it snowed already Lots of pictures shot, still editing them. Wednesday I will sit in the torture chair again and finish the root-channel, hopfully Swep
  18. Salute Dogs mates! Just want you to know I have had a nice and relaxed time so far. Arrived Sat 2 in the evening, 25-26 degrees until yesterday. Woke up in the middle of a thunderstorm and of the sound of lightning that struck just a hundred meters away. Celebrated my birthday yesterday by visiting a nice restaurang, eating weal and good spanish red whine. Other than that, I had to do a emergency visit to a private dentist on monday. After second visit they decided I needed a root channel fill(?) to get the pain under controll. Returning Sunday 17. See you then, perheps. Sheers from Swep
  19. is off off working and flying from saturday 2. Gonna spend 15 days in Spain, drinking beer, wine, brandy, relaxing, get a sun tan, and scratch my butt doing absolutly nothing at all.

    1. T_O_A_D


      Try not to sniff that finger!

    2. Tribunus


      Have a good time mate and drink a beer for me.

    3. T_O_A_D


      I wonder how that finger is already???

  20. Don Partridge died at age 69 yesterday. Maby not so famous to the big crowd, but he had a couple of hits on the charts in the 60th and he lived in Stockholm in the 70th were he acted as a steet musician. He altered big audiences with jail because of the prohibition against street musicians. What made him even more nown in Sweden was that our former minister claimed he thought the prohibition was ridiculus and made a "Lex Partrige" which made street mucisians legal. One of his chart hits in Sweden (England?) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CbegtlQbI2I As a street mucisian
  21. Here it is: http://www.dangerdogz.com/forums/topic/7488-sign-up-now-for-dogzford/page__p__81669__fromsearch__1#entry81669
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