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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Sweper

  1. Sweper


    Welcome to the Dogs Wolfp! See you in the sky soon.
  2. It worked! Thanks Crash. FT, where were you on the geoagraphy lessons in school?
  3. I did try it all, but left 1024 in all settings, otherwise on "red" if go higher. Also tried uncheck Expert Mode. Un-checked 4GB sand tried it checked but same error plus an error that tell me to put a disc in the cd-player.
  4. In Quick Mission Bulider I can´t launch Solomons_Okt_43. Get error message below, and also another error I forgot.
  5. ~S~ Jabo! You don´t actually mean June 25 do you? Or: 25/6/11? Swep
  6. I suppose if it's female. By the way Sweper, are you refering to baboons? Not altogether sure if plants actually hump. You are right mate
  7. Reminds me when our school class went to the Big Zoo in town. Teacher lining us up in front of the large outdoor Baboo yard. After a minute, watching the Baboo´s showing their red big ugly asse´s and the big Alpha male screwing everything that move, including the youn.... the red faced teacher said, com´on kids, let´s go watch the Penguins.
  8. Approve to Mr. P. above. But in contrast to P I had a reason (drunk for 3 1/2 weeks) . Belated Happy Birthday Mate!
  9. Happy belated Beerrthday Mate! Hope you had it wet and fun.
  10. Wanna say hello from the sunny and warm Island of Majorca. Cheerio!

    1. Shadrach


      Hello from my conservatory with a torrential thunderstorm and a leaking roof - you smug git.

    2. BluBear


      Where are you staying Swep? Mallorca gets a bad rep because of the 18-30 destinations (eg Shaggaloof), but having had the opportunity to see more of the island recently, I found it to be rather nice. The mountains in the north are stunning and the beaches to the east are great... also lots of great food! Hope you're enjoying yourself!

  11. Nice FB! That is the way to do it. BTW, who put a scarecrow in top of the tree?
  12. Thanks Jim! The same to you! Not much at all, were just out biking in +20 celcius and sunny weather. Visited a friend (yea I got one or two) that owns a small hous near the beach. If it stay this warm I proparly go for a ride each day.
  13. Feck all Easter activities with painted eggs, chickens and gayish colored feathers, me gonna fly full time.
  14. On this map you can watch the last two weeks of activity around the world. The last months or two, Honshu outside Japan (that´s where the big Tsunami was), one could see it has been pretty unstable. The big blinking red ring is where the most activity is. Scary. Other earthquake link: http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/recenteqsww/Quakes/quakes_all.php Edit: forgot the link to the first one: http://geofon.gfz-potsdam.de/geofon//seismon/globmon.html It automaticly updates every hour or so.
  15. No Toad, you can dry your ass your self
  16. Good ones Rog! Like this kind of dry humor.
  17. Boink! Same guy, but this time he used the time-lapse funktion to film stars from a mountain. Frecki´n beautiful. Klick on link VIMEO to get bigger.
  18. Sorry mate, only Viking seems to be me this time since Jedi declared yesterday he woun´t be able to participate. The other one is hanging out with some Kraut squad. Skol, well, spells: Skål! I will bring Ulla, she may teach you one or two things.
  19. A clean what? Please inform a dumb Swede what´s needed You're not dumb Swep.....you speak too much You must have mixed me up with someone else
  20. A clean what? Please inform a dumb Swede what´s needed
  21. Yea, right - what did the man with the rifle tell ya`?! Stay away from the sheep!
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