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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by T_O_A_D

  1. I'm just checking in now before I go to bed. But I'm off work tomorrow morning through Thursday evening. I should be home by 7am CST -5/-6GMT You can it only takes practice, and a mentor possibly. As far as I know I think my target practice missions are still in the vault. Sweper uses them still, and Fastdad does. I even from time to time still do also. But Fruitbats way works just as easily with the newer modded QMB
  2. Looks good. Lets get together on my days off this week and talk about adobe premier pro CS5. Why pray tell did you leave the icons on for the film? I know you have the remover mod.
  3. Yep good news! I've been an avid Packer and Cowboy fan since childhood. I have to say I have no love for the Steeler's!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm am sorry to say, I slept right through it and beyond, I was over 4 hours late for work too, I evidently needed the sleep. Its the frst time in about 5 weeks I've landed more than 4 hours of it at anyone time.
  4. T_O_A_D


    I had to give those things up, they agrivated my heart last year, and I ended up in the Hospital over it.
  5. I'm at work, so I can't test it. But unless this thing actually does some rendering and processor loading, I'd not hold much thought on it. It sounds like its just comparing parts and pieces of hardware to a list of acceptable items. You can do that by reading the forums, and seeing the specs required on the box.. Lets see once we get ahold of the software, then we will truly know. Ok so I'm home now. This is what mine got. Well for some reason it won't let me upload the pic. I'll photo bucket it then.
  6. Never met a dissatisfied Subaru owner in my life. I've never owned one, because of price. For that money, I'd just soon pour more gallons in it and climb over top of them with a full size truck, for a lot less invested. At least in this area I can
  7. Good to hear from ya Trib. I figured you were in that small group of people. You've been a bit of topic of discussion the last few days for sure. http://www.dangerdogz.com/forums/topic/8106-shit-hits-the-fan-in-cairo/page__pid__87377 http://www.dangerdogz.com/forums/topic/8119-any-word-from-tribunus/page__pid__87448#entry87448 Keep safe my Friend!
  8. I'm more amazed at the other vehicles not on tracks. I wonder how often they get confused and actually have collisions? I'd like to see a miniature camera placed in the trains and other vehicles so you could get a more real life perspective of the place too.
  9. Ah Friar Hugs and Kisses back at ya. I know its was nothing personal. There are more than just Pooka and I caught up in this particular blast. Pooka and I live 3 states away, He is due North of me. About 600 or so mile apart. That tells ya just how big this one was, and that just a portion of its size. -3 F @ the moment. Not sure if you guys can see my Local TV stations page but her it is. http://www.ky3.com/weather/ http://www.ky3.com/v...r-5pm-Wednesday You have a local TV Station weather page you can share Pooka. I used to live up your way in the 70's over in Lacrosse Wisconsin, It' be sort of neat to peak in on your area.
  10. We got 12 inches is my best guess, due to drifting. Received 1/4 inch of ice 1 inch or so of sleet then the snow. Just got done digging us out.
  11. Most of our Dogz would drink and fly without the safety harness at lest once
  12. Looks like my stuff will work.
  13. Nice! Might add that DVD to my Birthday list this year.
  14. He's been gone since 98, and his legacy will carry on for a long time if not ever, Thanks to Ronnie Reagan stepping in. Both men were top notch dudes. R.I.P
  15. What? a pair of big black peckers? JP
  16. I've seen one like it, for cutting and dropping, but not the de-barking and cutting to length options. That is sweet!
  17. Yep day 30 agents around poker table smoking cannabis, and drinking your booze.
  18. Yep saw these a year ago on UBI I think. They are amazing quality, and show a completely different time and Human fortitude. We have no idea now days.
  19. Yeh I've been planting them in my gallery myself.
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