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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by T_O_A_D

  1. IL2 cares nothing about registry. You can go delete its registry anytime you like and it will still run perfectly. It's always been this way. Now the Download version may differ, but a boxed, CD/DVD depending on the version you own, or are trying to use does not. Years ago, when the install was smaller I'd put it on a usb drive and take it to work to show off tracks. I've moved form machine to machine several times. I used to install it on a junk machine then copy the folder, just to keep sercrom off of my gaming rig.
  2. The picture is too small for me to read the text Sid. Even when I click on it. You trusted Painless
  3. If your game backup/install is not corrupt. Then you have a hardwar/driver issue. You have installed all mobo drivers, video, and sound correct? Can you post your dxdiag?
  4. You so don't know who your messing with M8! Old School I got ya back on this one Sid.
  5. So when he grows up you can tell him what a DA you were, (as if he won't already know that on his own by then, they all do you know.) and how a terrible event, changed your thinking, that allowed you to teach him the importance of backing up his HDD correct! Tell him You had so much to show him, and so sorry you lost it, and your totally gutted over it. But then tell him be thankful, that it taught you a lesson and one he should never have to learn for himself. Thankyou BG. I really appreciate that but it won't be necessary. I don't become broke until the middle of April when my teaching hours are cut, lol. Anyway, it would only get spent on a decent plasterer and brickie as I've been banging my head against the wall too much. Luckily both are pretty thick. I'm going to have to look into trying somesort of data recovery. The pictures that might have been lost are too important to give up. My youngest son is five. Memories of these years will fade. There are things he needs to be able to look at in the future, to be able to show his kids one day.........................................................................................................
  6. I'm not sure one TS3 TS2 yes. IL2 is on an external so you can place it anywhere on the installed drive short the Program files folder. Most of us have just made a new folder, or partition and placed it in there outside of the OS entirely. I'm glad to hear about the TR5 thing I need to do that to my TIR3 aswell.
  7. Cool I see you figured out the picture in a picture thing I mentioned. Keep one ore two steps ahead of me so I can glean the fruits of your labor. No pun intended, Ok Ok maybe just a small one. Well I hadn't posted it here yet, but all I got is this to say, in my defense.
  8. NIce Kimo, what shound pack gives you the siren sound on deadstick landing
  9. OK, as Fruitbat said nice first one. Also another stock feature, for shots is the f3 flyby, it will pan the shot smother than you can with your mouse,. Your head tracker is also a good tool for panning the shots.
  10. Stupid old broad, was spreading bad mojo there.
  11. There is over 2000 JO members and all of them in the past could try the first day. As of last year you have to pay dues, to be involved in Top gun, Top bomb, and other things. I'm sure that curtails, the number quite a bit. Free membership is only for Basic flight school anymore. Now even before, they seldom ever field 20 pilots, on the first day. Most guys i guess are intimidated or don't care to try. This year they only fielded 8 pilots. I think last year only 10. A bit more 2 years ago. @Kimo I did really expect you to be there this year. With the skill you've acquired this last year hunting me down like a dog, and anyone else you considered a nice notch in your belt, you'd been quite a contender no doubt. @Bojan, watch your six, there's going to be more looking for you this year than ever before.
  12. Painless I heard rumor that they have corrected the rules so a lousy landing like that can't qualify anymore. I hope so, I still say if somethings broke you should get pa penalty, of some sort. I remember both of us, being disappointed in our Bojan getting confused that day. And neither actually caring if we won it. I still have the high score though. 1735 two years ago, and 1615 last year. Dam point whore
  13. Thanks Notice not a one of them guys looked younger than 30, and a few could of been an easy 40+ Evey one of them birds well worn and weathered too. Quite enjoyable to watch, I liked the scotty on the wing and the engine start. LOL
  14. Yeh Vintage and Hollywwod I know personally, I met them both in Ohio, Vintage is a real cutup, fun to pick on, and throws it right back, and often instigates it. Big son of a gun too, at least a foot taller than me. Hollywood was my wingman last years TG, and the only chap over there that sends me PM's out of the blue. I tried my best to get him enough points to qualify for the 2nd day last year. Did you compete this year Kimo? Edit: Its posted http://www.joint-ops...1;topicseen#new Congrats Bojan!
  15. That's because they are over controlling, and hide all thier stuff, but the very basics. They could easily open up more areas, to the none paying members to view, and lock out the ability to post. This would allow the none payers to see how good things are and entice them to pay. As is most just leave after BFS. Thanks Kimo Its nice to see Bojan in the running, Sorry Painless, your not a shoe in for the finals. I was hoping you guys could push Eagle down and out, without my help. If he was last qualifier, I'd pay my dues today, just to bump him out hehehe Since I won it last year and have a guaranteed spot in the final. He's won it enough times already.
  16. Once the cameraman managed to keep on target midway, I started to get goose bumps. What a sound, it could only be topped if it was firing weapons, on the high speed pass. ;-) The props were fun to watch.
  17. Paint schemes, Missions, and Records also if you have custom skins, missions, and tracks that you want to keep with your latest version. Oh and ForceFeedback if you have customized it.
  18. A woman applying for a job in a Florida lemon grove seemed to be far too qualified for the job. The foreman frowned and said, "I have to ask you this: "Have you ever had any actual experience in picking lemons?" "Well, as a matter of fact, I have! "I've been divorced three times, owned 2 Chrysler cars, and I voted for Obama.
  19. I like it too, Good for them.
  20. Yeh I already tried that, actually even let it play though in the background once, and then replayed it even.
  21. I'm assuming the stuttering is from my connection, while viewing it right?
  22. Great news! I'm stoked as BA said that your out, and in one piece. If you didn't get your pc out, then I hope they find it, and duplicate the game, many times over, and find out there is more to life than rioting. IL2 FTW!!!!! and think of all that cannon fodder for us.
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