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1. DDz Quorum
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    United Kingdom

Everything posted by Sid

  1. Well, I can't get past the 'Press any key to start' screen. It is installed on the 'F' drive. I have reinstalled. I have updated windows and nvidia drivers. I have clicked 'Run as administrator'. Any suggestions? Edit: Sorted! Needed to download and install the XBox app.....
  2. I would like YU-CNT please........🙄 but I will go with what we decide is appropriate.....🙄
  3. I have pre-ordered the 'big' one. Unfortunately won't be around for the week of release so I will let the rest of you pre-orderers sort out the setting up...
  4. Well, apart from GBS I only dabble in World of Tanks now. Got such a good collection of vehicles it would be madness to give it up. So easy to drop into for a couple of hours and is an easy change of scenery. Have to say that GBS tanks is very good too....
  5. Another set of pro flight pedals
  6. @Swep, sussed it. To get all aircraft with the metric cheat sheet you put the folder I have sent in the post above in the Mods folder and keep the one you already have in the Mods folder. The important thing is the next move..... Enable the new one I sent first and then enable the one you have. You get a message about overwriting, say ok. Your folder overwrites the imperial measurements on the cheat sheets of UK and US aircraft in the first folder and the folders look like the piccie below. Bingo.
  7. This is the one that has all the aircraft Swep however it shows British and US as imperial, not metric. I haven't looked for a way to get the mod folder you have and this one working together so can't say how you can get all the aircraft metric..... Make sure that the one you unzip that is going into your Mods folder is named 'PNCP Base Version - Pilots Notes for Cockpit Photos' and that when you open it you see 2 folders, 'data' and 'documentation'. This will make sure you don't get a folder within a folder and the mod not working. PNCP Base Version - Pilots Notes for Cockpit Photos.zip
  8. Sid

    Me262 4k skin

    Version 1.0.0


    This is a representation of 'Red 2' of 10/NJG 11. A Git production made from the official template.
  9. Looks very very nice.What would do for me is a float plane, some mountains and water to play with... Here is a start just found it is in the list of aircraft
  10. Ahhh.....hence the name change 😏
  11. Was that one of the 'Sange Man' days.......?
  12. I'm happy with Reggie although my daughter in law has a tortoise called Reggie so maybe Amanda...oh no, that's my sister in law's name.... I think I will wait to see what happens when you fly and wait for a nickname to emerge.
  13. Come and put a toe into the water....it's lovely. 99.9% of us are in the Dogz because of the lack of formality, tests etc. I say 99.9 because Painless isn't always sure if he's all together, FT is Dutch, Sweper is from Sweden and the Canadian contingent are more than one complete person each. I think that's all the discrepancies...
  14. Version 1.0.0


    Two skins for the 110E. Both are generic schemes at the moment until I have worked on getting wrap around nose art on them. One is a night scheme, the other is night with sea green upper surfaces used during the Channel Dash in 1942. Place the .dds files into the Bf110E2 folder within the game 'skins' folder. A Git production produced from the official game template.
  15. Version 2.0.0


    Two skins for the 109E7 representing 109 night scheme. One is a generic night skin the other is night finish of NJG 1 G9+JV in France. Place the .dds files in the BF109E7 folder within the 'Skins' folder of your game. A Git production made from the official game template.
  16. Could do tonight if it's on and probably tomorrow....not a busy social calendar at the moment
  17. Sid

    Ju88 Med scheme 4K

    Version 1.0.0


    Two 4K skins for the Ju88A4 depicting the colour scheme used by II Gruppe, Lehrgeschwader 1 whilst flying on anti shipping duties from Crete 1942. One skin has no codes, the other is L1+EN. Place the .dds files in the ju88a4 folder of your game 'skins' folder. A Git production made from the official game template.
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