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1. DDz Quorum
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    United Kingdom

Everything posted by Sid

  1. I could suggest the U2Vs...a bit quirky but an absolute blast when flown as a free for all and equipped with forward firing machine gun, rear gunner and wockets!!! Aw sod it....get the U2Vs!!
  2. Well, you 402 boys should take precautions to avoid the Clap and keep your internal claiming to yourselves.....the delights of Charleroi are well known to 485, Cecille du Coqsucquer is a FIRM favourite with 485 and could show you 402 LIMPOS a thing or two....but, no need, 485 are here
  3. Will be there, running a tad late this evening. Been playing cars on the xbox with grandson Alex so eating tea
  4. Version 1.0.0


    A 110 G2 of 6/ZG 1 in the scheme it had in Sicily and on moving to Brest in France 1943. There aren't many different schemes for the G2, the more interesting ones are G4s, the radar equipped version, but I don't want to go there as they had a different nose and were equipped with the four antennae sticking out of it. One thing you see when skinning or taking screenies is the level of detail there is in the aircraft....the muzzle on the belly gun is really good :)....hence the close up.
  5. Version 1.0.0


    Bf110E2 used in Operation Donnerkeil, the air component of Operation Cerberus (the Channel Dash of Scharnhost, Gneisenau and Prinz Eugen) February, 1942. Upper surfaces overpainted with RLM72 (Dark Sea Green) for over-water operations.
  6. Sid

    Naval US A20s

    Version 1.0.0


    Two A20 skins representing those adopted by the US Navy and Marine Corps in 1942. In reality, all defensive and offensive armament was removed as they were used for general duties but hey, this is us and we use them for whatever we want Navy one has early markings that had the red dot that was eventually removed and the sea grey/grey colour demarcation is slightly different.
  7. This is the one I use to get the small triangles for aircraft and squares for ground targets. The one Painless posted is a mod that removes aircraft/ground targets off the minimap and briefing map except your own. Using these and turning icons off should get you the same as us Reggie. ICON_D_D_NL_SM_T.zip
  8. I am wondering if your special Famous Grouse is as efficacious as the Mr. Grant that I sometimes turn to rely on use....
  9. Version 1.0.0


    A representation of an La5FN as flown by Sid(ony Gitsev).
  10. Morning. Please download a revised 485 skin for Pooka. Also in the vault and checkskins. 485 Pooka.dds
  11. Sid

    485 Pooka Green

    Version 1.0.0


    A revised 485 skin for Pooka, change from natural to green.
  12. Sid

    485 Kimo

    Version 1.0.0


    Personalised 485 P38 skin for Kimo
  13. Morning chaps. Please download Kimo's 485 skin attached below. Ta Also in the vault and Checkskins. 485 Kimo.dds
  14. Thought it might be appropriate to fly over Capel le Ferne today seeing as it is 'Battle of Britain' Day. https://www.battleofbritainmemorial.org/
  15. https://na.panasonic.com/us/news/panasonic-develops-worlds-first-hdr1-capable-uhd-vr-eyeglasses Says it all
  16. Sid


    There are many gits here but there is only one true git....oooh, isn't that a John Wayne film?
  17. Version 1.0.0


    This is an unpainted aluminium AAC1 Toucan, a french built Ju52. The skin represents a Toucan flown in IndoChina by the French Air Force in the '50s but still fits in with our scenarios I think. Was fun doing this one, the template is, as usual, very good. Cheerzen
  18. Sid

    Aerobatic I-16s

    Version 1.0.0


    In the mid to late 30s the USSR had an I-16 aerobatic team!! This zip file has the team 1 - 5 plus an unnumbered one. Hasty photoshop piccie to show them all together as ages of trying to sort it in game became a little too much Cheerzen
  19. I think the atmosphere of the campaign is making flyers protective of their persona to various degrees so I wouldn't worry about it BB
  20. Version 1.0.0


    Bare metal and wood '46'.dds
  21. Version 1.0.0


    Bare metal and wood no markings.dds
  22. Version 1.0.0


    Bare metal and wood black nose.dds
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