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Everything posted by Sid

  1. Sid

    B26 Marauder

    Sorry about the no-show tonight, not like me to miss a Tuesday flying... However, time is short this week and I had a last minute project that needed completing before Thursday. My bro is a member of the Royal British Legion in his home town in Essex and has organised a Forces Day there this weekend. He has vehicles and all sorts turning up and also wanted to feature the local wartime airfields, particularly Rivenhall. This is because they were busy around D Day with B26 Marauders, P51s and other types and then were used for glider operations 1944/45 by the RAF after the Americans had moved onto the Continent. I volunteered to build a B26 for him. Short notice ie. a week, and I will be driving it down to him so I need it to be finished and solid as much as it can be. One of the quickest builds I have done. I built the old Airfix 1/72 scale version which by chance comes with the markings for a Rivenhall B26. It took a day or so to locate a usable one on ebay that I could get quickly however one arrived and I started building on Saturday. For an old kit it is surprisingly detailed and went together very well. The cylindrical fuselage top join took some sanding to get it looking good and the rear of the engine nacelles needed some filler to get the curves right but on the whole I enjoyed it. It isn't very often I build a natural metal finished aircraft as it used to be difficult to recreate the metal finish. However, Tamiya make a bare metal finish paint and it did the job nicely. Perhaps I would have spent a bit more time tidying up joints etc. but time was the limiter here, just a few touch ups and corrections to be done tomorrow. D Day stripes were done by painting a white area, masking it, painting the bare metal finish and then using a sheet of black decal from which the stripes were cut. Easier than painting I think. The idea is that the model will stay with my bro and will be used for exhibitions..... I think he wants a MkIV Stirling and a Horsa glider next..... Cheerzen
  2. What ho chaps! Well, I must say we had a spiffer with the Tiffies! 'Sidley's Sods' took off and made their way to the target area with some cover from those jolly good Spitfire types - they kept us company until they broke off to engage some thoroughly beastly Jerrie fighters that were escorting some even beastlier fighter bombers on a parallel heading to us. Safe from attack we carried on and found our target area a veritable feast of ground targets. Unconcerned about fighters we set to it. A few minutes in to gorging on the feast and having fun shooting off our wockets we noticed that the fighter bombers were giving our lads over the way a bit of unfriendly horses doofers so with rockets spent, we turned and engaged them. Three 110s went down looking like the mess Christmas pudding yesterday.....much too much brandy poured over it equalled lots of lovely flames. I think one or two of the enemy blighters managed to bail out of their fiery puddings as they crashed down....lovely show. Low on ammunition, a few more runs were made on the ground targets. Then, time to leave the field and head home for Christmas leftovers....turkey and pickles....lovely. All aircraft returned to the airfield intact. Excellent. Jolly Good Show 193 Sqn. And Christmas wishes to our Yank friends who, it seems, also had a wizard time!!
  3. A good tally....well done all Odd that WO Sotton got a Ju88....he wasn't with us 😕
  4. Sid

    What mods do you use?

    Here it is Swaz-sticker_on_menu_preload_screens_V1.zip
  5. Sid

    What mods do you use?

    Just checked to make sure it works...it's a while since I used it
  6. Sid

    What mods do you use?

    Try this. Torpedo He111h6.zip
  7. Sid

    What mods do you use?

    It's probably true. I use the 4K mods listed above because I decided that the default skin for the majority of German aircraft in 4K is good enough for me so the mod puts a Hakenkreuz on it for me - others will see it without unless they have the 4K mod enabled. I have a few custom German skins that have been uploaded to Checkskins so others will see them.
  8. Sid

    What mods do you use?

    Not a mod but this https://forum.il2sturmovik.com/topic/32596-quick-reference-printout-engine-settings-limits-temps/ information is what is recreated in the PNCP mod above. I have it printed off into a pack that I keep next to my pooter...refer to it more than anything else GBS related so I think it is one of the best resources available.
  9. Sid

    What mods do you use?

    👍 Works for the Bodenplatte collector D9 https://forum.il2sturmovik.com/topic/35423-mod-historically-correct-official-skins-2k-and-4k/?tab=comments#comment-597695
  10. Sid

    What mods do you use?

    Ok, these are the ones I use currently. 1. The orange block on the right, 4k etc., all enable the use of the Hakenkreuz. This is on default skins ie. the one that is default for the map being flown, user interface, parked aircraft etc. https://forum.il2sturmovik.com/topic/35423-mod-historically-correct-official-skins-2k-and-4k/ The installation of these isn't particularly intuitive and there is more than 1 download 2. Green block, Dogz Icon mods, is self explanatory 3. Grey block are experimental ones - Sun size correction makes the sun appear larger https://forum.il2sturmovik.com/topic/55027-the-sun/ Torpedo He111 replaces the 1000kg bomb for a torpedo but does it for ALL aircraft that carry the 1000kg https://forum.il2sturmovik.com/topic/60901-mod-torpedoes-for-german-aircraft/ Kuban Autumn Desert replaces the textures on Kuban Autumn map to a beta Desert scenario https://forum.il2sturmovik.com/topic/66068-kuban-autumn-nth-africa-desert-beta-upload-updated-version-to-40-04-04-2021/ 4. PNCP Base replaces the cockpit sweetheart picture with the specific aircraft Pilot Notes https://forum.il2sturmovik.com/topic/55201-pilots-notes-for-cockpit-photos/ 5. 2_CW short grass removes the long grass next to the runways and roads and shows pretty flowers https://forum.il2sturmovik.com/topic/65921-short-grass-and-field-crops-final-version/ The torpedo mod is an issue in multiplayer because anyone carrying a 1000kg bomb, from my view, is actually carrying a torpedo. Stukas dive bombing with a torpedo doesn't work....so I get a slight game hesitation when a 1000kg is dropped as a bomb because my game is trying to make a vertically dropped 1000kg bomb act as a torpedo. This is why it's deactivated, I only tend to use it when flying single player.
  11. It is a separate mod, there are 5 different ones
  12. Possibly but who knows, that would be down to the moderators and the devs to decide whether it, as a potential cheat, gives a player an unfair advantage over another player - I don't think AI count here. Apparently the majority of the players of this game are single players flying offline so it wouldn't be an issue. Online would be different, hence me asking. Again, the majority of online players fly mods off so again, probably not an issue. The DangerDogz are in the tiny minority of squads flying publicly mods on - if we ran it I think it would be a case of seeing if we can run them server side and if all are happy. If not, if one of us doesn't approve well, that's for us to decide.
  13. Any interest in trying this? https://forum.il2sturmovik.com/topic/73101-mod-less-accurate-gunners-more-powerful-ap-ammo/?tab=comments#comment-1109042 I don't know how it would work online as I imagine everyone would need to have it installed so I haven't got it installed yet. Cheerzen
  14. What....two of these....?
  15. You resemble that remark...!!! Yup, very good summary, however it doesn't convey the pleasure of meeting up and spending many hours chatting about those there, those not there, past experiences..........all in all very satisfying.
  16. I'm waiting to acquire FC2 so that I can try bombing in the HP 0/400 and the Gotha....
  17. I use Adobe Photoshop CC 2019. I believe Gimp can be used but I don't have any idea of how to use it. You also need a converter to create the .dds file format that GBS uses for skins. I use an Nvidia Photoshop plugin.
  18. A Typhoon based on 193 Sqn, Sid's skin. 193 had an Eagle on the tailfin at some point, I have swapped it for a Red Kite because it's my favourite bird of prey. Available in the vault and via Checkskins. Cheerzen A skin by Sid using the official template.
  19. Version 1.0.0


    A Typhoon based on 193 Sqn, Sid's skin. 193 had an Eagle on the tailfin at some point, I have swapped it for a Red Kite because it's my favourite bird of prey. Available in the vault and via Checkskins. Cheerzen A skin by Sid using the official template.
  20. Hi gents Is this of any use to us....will it reduce server load/costs? https://forum.il2sturmovik.com/topic/72755-new-official-teamspeak-server-for-great-battles-mp-now-up/
  21. I have checked my computer's suitability for windows 11 using the microsoft PC Health checker app. It tells me that my pooter is not compatible because I don't have Secure Boot in the bios setup . It should have a setting to allow Windows UEFI. I checked and it does have this setting AND it is enabled. Wonder what is going on there....I have looked at the 'fixes' and I have all of them already running. Funnily enough, the same screen showed me lots of lovely new Windows 11 ready computers I could buy because unfortunately mine isn't 11 ready 🙄
  22. Firstly, thank you Tom for accommodating the test this evening, it is very much appreciated. It is unfortunate that just after take off I encountered a 'word strike' (it occurred on spawn in but this doesn't fit the narrative...)....see attached piccie. I and my flight of four AI had begun to climb so as my field of view was drastically limited I ordered the AI to land. I couldn't see the airfield so I followed them back and landed successfully...see attached piccie. My AI landed successfully too. What really happened was that on spawn in I still had the ready screen in front on me. This hasn't happened to me before on any occasion. I had all controls and instruments functional but no HUD. The AI started engines and waited. I tried the only three things I could think of that wouldn't take me out of the server.....Crtl Alt Delete and come back in, Esc and Alt Tab. None of them worked, the ready screen remained. So, I decided to test out the AI. I taxied and took off....so did they. I climbed out...so did they. In order to keep a persona I decided that instead of following the waypoints for an hour or so with limited vision I would land. I couldn't see the airfield very well so I ordered the AI to land....they did. I followed them in and landed. All in all, a pain because of the view but at least I know that the AI follow and do as they are told. Hopefully the next one will work as it should....
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